The Singer of All Songs

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Book: The Singer of All Songs Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Constable
hanging from the roof beams.
    ‘Dear child, I have been hunting you all day long! Hunting you as well as I could without setting foot out of these rooms. I sent my messengers off in all directions, and they all came back without you. Is she at the hives? No, she’s not there! Is she taking a lesson somewhere? Oh no, there’s no sign of her! Perhaps she’s at candle-making? Though it’s not the season for candle-making, but Calwyn must always be doing things in her own way, stubborn creature that you are, as well I know. But back they came, no, no, she’s disappeared, off to one of her hiding places again, run away up the valley to fish, no doubt.’
    ‘I wasn’t fishing!’ said Calwyn indignantly.
    ‘Ah well, never mind, never mind. But I hope you had a good catch!’ Ursca gave a knowing wink, whisked the pot of jelly out of Calwyn’s hand and bustled away before Calwyn could argue. That was the most exasperating of all the exasperating things about Ursca; once she had an idea in her head, nothing could budge it.
    Calwyn followed her to the other end of the infirmary and watched as she carefully spooned out a little of the queen’s jelly and stirred it into a bowl of smooth junket. ‘Is the Outlander any better?’
    ‘Ah, poor man.’ Ursca shook her head. ‘I’ve done what I can for his foot, but the bones are crushed. He will be lame as long as he lives. And as for his wits, I fear they are truly addled. He starts at every little sound, he’s sure we are all out to harm him. None of us can come near him except when he sleeps!’ She put her mouth to Calwyn’s ear and whispered, though there was no one about to hear. ‘You know he is a sorcerer?’
    Calwyn nodded.
    ‘Tamen would have me tie a gag on him, but I told her, no patient of mine will be bound or gagged while I’m infirmarian! The man’s ill, chanter or not. Besides, he’s too exhausted to do any harm, his body and his mind are both worn out. But perhaps the jelly will help him, it’s good for sickness in the mind. Do you remember me teaching you that, Calwyn? Good for wandering wits and confusion.’
    The Outlander was lying in the furthest cell, a stark whitewashed room with one small window onto the walled garden where Ursca grew her herbs. He looked paler than ever, propped up on pillows, his eyes closed, and a bandage across his head. ‘It’s good that he’s sleeping,’ whispered Ursca. ‘Sleep is the best healer of all.’
    But even as she spoke, the stranger’s eyes flickered, then opened wide.
    ‘Peace, peace,’ said Ursca at once, in the soothing tones she kept for frightened children. ‘Here, see what I’ve brought you – sweet junket.’
    ‘Stay back, woman!’ cried the Outlander, hauling himself upright and thrusting out a hand to ward them both off. For the first time his grey eyes seemed keen and unclouded. His thin face was like a hawk’s, hungry, alert. ‘I know you,’ he said slowly, frowning uncertainly at Calwyn.
    ‘I was the one who found you.’
    He frowned again, then his face cleared. ‘Yes. I remember.’ He leaned back against the pillows. ‘You may come in. But the other one must stay outside.’
    ‘Taris bless him!’ exclaimed Ursca. ‘Listen to him order us all about, as if he were the Emperor of Merithuros!’
    ‘Merithuros? Are there Merithurans here?’ he asked quickly.
    ‘No, you are in Antaris,’ said Calwyn. She took the bowl of junket and the spoon from Ursca and offered them to him. ‘Are you hungry?’
    He poked the spoon about suspiciously through the curds, and began to eat, tentatively at first, then with real hunger. Watching from the doorway, Ursca clasped her hands together in delight. ‘Well done, well done! Ah, very well, if I’m bothering you I’ll go away. It’s time the lamps were lit!’ And she hurried off through the gloom to see to it.
    The stranger stared after her. ‘She seems harmless enough,’ he said, half to himself.
    ‘More than that, she’s been
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