The Sign of Fear

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Author: R.L. Stine
will offer proof,” Conn declared.
    Conn shot his hand out and grabbed Brianna. He pulled her from Fieran’s side. “The power of the chief is strong within me,” Conn shouted. “So strong that I can shield another from the fire.”
    Before Fieran could stop him, Conn turned toward the burning wicker figure. He pulled Brianna with him into the towering flames.


    â€œ B rianna!” Fieran screamed out. “Brianna! No!”
    With a burst of bright white flame, the wicker man exploded. Huge, fiery embers shot straight up into the air.
    As sparks rained down, Fieran saw two people standing in the wreckage. Brianna and Conn.
    Relief flooded through Fieran. Brianna! She is alive!
    And Conn has proven himself chief, Fieran realized.
    What happened? Fieran was so sure he felt the old chief’s spirit enter his body. The force of it knocked him down. Left him breathless. How could Conn have proven he is the chosen one—when I know he is not?
    Fieran uttered a roar of fury and anguish. He ran into the red-hot coals. “Here is my proof,” he shouted. “Proof that Conn is a liar and a fraud.”
    â€œYou see?” Conn countered. “You see how great my power is? I extend protection even to those who don’t believe me.” He stepped out of the ring of fire, holding Brianna close at his side.
    Everyone rushed up and surrounded him. The others have accepted Conn as their leader, Fieran thought. Now they will protect him with their own lives.
    It’s not fair! He doesn’t deserve it! Fieran rushed from the smoldering remains of the wicker figure. Straight to Brianna and Conn, pushing the others out of his way. “Brianna,” he pleaded. “You are skilled in reading the signs. Tell them that they are making a mistake. Tell them about my vision of fire. Tell them the chief has chosen me!”
    Brianna’s lips parted. But any words she might have spoken were drowned out by the others. “Seize him,” one cried out. “Seize Fieran. He has offered false proof. He has tried to destroy our holy ritual.”
    â€œSeize him!”
    â€œKill him!”
    â€œFieran must die!”
    â€œNo!” Conn called out in a loud, deep voice. Instantly, the glade fell silent.
    â€œYou must not harm him. Fieran must not die. Can’t you see what has happened? Seeing his dreams of power destroyed has been too much for him. Fieran has lost his mind. We must show him mercy.”
    The people shook their heads in agreement and dismay. “What a terrible thing to happen. Brave Fieran has gone mad,” one woman cried.
    â€œListen to me!” Fieran screamed out. “I am not mad! I stood in the embers of the fire. I came out unharmed. The spirit of the old chief moves within me. You have chosen the wrong man!”
    â€œThat’s enough!” Conn cried in a terrible voice. “I pity you, Fieran. I know why you make these false accusations. But I cannot allow them to go on. From this day forth, you are no longer one of our people. You are no longer one of us. I banish you, Fieran. I banish you forever.”
    â€œBanished,” the people echoed. “Fieran is banished. He is no longer one of us.”


    B anished! How can I be banished?
    Only today I risked my life for my people in battle. Today I had the chance to kill Conn. I did not, because I believed my people needed him alive.
    I must get away from this clearing. I must get away from Conn. When I’m far away, I’ll be able to think clearly. I’ll be able to think of how to defeat Conn and take my rightful place.
    Fieran dashed out of the clearing. Away! he thought. I have to get away.
    His vision had lied. He hadn’t won. He had been defeated. And now banished.
    Everything had been taken from him. There was absolutely nothing left for him. My life is over! Conn is chief!
    Fieran stumbled through the forest, his long ceremonial robe
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