The Shivering Sands

The Shivering Sands Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Shivering Sands Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victoria Holt
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Romance, Historical, Mystery, Victorian
because I did not know how to set about finding my sister. And then came my opportunity.
    Essie wrote that she was coming to London and would like to see me.
    I saw that she was excited as soon as she arrived; she was a born schemer for other people; I never remembered her scheming very much for herself.
    “I’m leaving Lovat Mill,” she said. “I haven’t been so well lately and I think it’s time I went to my sister in Scotland.”
    “That’s a long way,” I replied.
    “Oh aye, a long way; but what I’ve come to tell you is this. How would you like to go down there?”
    “To go…” I stammered.
    “To Lovat Stacy. To teach the girls. Now listen. I’ve had a talk with Sir William. He was a wee bit put out when I told him of my plans. You see he wants Edith to continue with her lessons…and the others too. And then they used to have musical evenings years ago, by all accounts, and he would like to revive them now that there’s a young bride in the house. It was his idea that he should have a resident teacher who would play for his benefit and that of his guests, as well as teach the girls now and then. He broached this subject with me when I told him I was going and I thought at once of you and said that I knew the widow of Pietro Verlaine who was a clever musician herself. Now if you’re agreeable he would like you to write to him and some arrangement could be made.”
    I felt breathless. “Wait a moment!” I said.
    “Now you’re going to be a coy young lady and say ‘This is too sudden.’ Some of the best things in life are; and you have to make up your mind suddenly or lose them. If you say no, Sir William will be advertising for a resident teacher for the girls, because once I’d put the idea to him that you might come he was eager.”
    I was seeing it so clearly: the dig; the little cottage; the big house and those two coming down the aisle together. And Roma of course…Roma urging me not to forget her.
    I said abruptly: “Do you believe that Roma is alive?”
    Her face puckered. She turned her head away and said: “I…I don’t believe she would have gone away without telling someone she was going.”
    “Then she was spirited away…or she’s somewhere where she can’t let us know. I want to find out…I must.”
    Miss Elgin nodded.
    “I didn’t tell Sir William that you are her sister. He’s annoyed about the whole affair. There was too much publicity. I’ve heard it said that he declares he should never have allowed them to excavate there. That brought enough limelight and when your sister disappeared…” She shrugged her shoulders. “So I didn’t say you were the sister of Roma Brandon, I merely told him you were Caroline Verlaine, widow of the great pianist.”
    “So I should go there… incognito as far as my connection with Roma is concerned?”
    “I honestly don’t believe he’d want you if he knew. He’d think you might have some reason for going there other than teaching.”
    “If I went,” I said, “he’d be right.”
    I wanted to think about it and Essie and I walked together in Kensington Gardens where Roma and I used to sail our boats when we were children. That night I dreamed of Roma; she was standing in the Round Pond holding out her hands to me and the water kept rising higher and higher. She called, “Do something, Caro.”
    It may have been this dream which made me definitely decide that I would go to Lovat Stacy.
    I sold the few pieces of furniture I possessed to the landlady in whose house I rented my two rooms. I put my piano in store and packed my bags.
    I had at last found a purpose in life. Pietro was lost to me forever; but I would try to find Roma.

    T he train had stopped at Dover Priory and quite a number of people had alighted. There was a halt of five minutes here while the mail was put on and as the last of those who had left the train passed through the barrier I was aware of a woman hurrying along the platform, a young girl of about
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