Marry Me

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Book: Marry Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kristin Wallace
grade, and it’s made me insane? In the end, he gave her a weak smile and walked away, the image of mile-long legs stretching endlessly from body-hugging denim burned into his brain.
    God? You know what? The testing? I think I’ve had enough now.

Chapter Two

    Amazing what a good night’s sleep would do to convince yourself all is right with the world again. For instance, eight hours of sleep had Julia convinced she could run a wedding planning business. It was only flowers, food, and a dress, right? Couldn’t be too hard.
    She was also convinced her bizarre reaction to Seth yesterday could be chalked up to the effects of a twelve-hour car trip and anxiety over Sarah and baby Mary, the future cancer genius. Right. It wasn’t an attraction. It was sleep deprivation. Julia wasn’t even sure she liked Seth, though he did have fantastic eyes. Light, clear blue like a husky’s. Edged with a circle of navy and framed by thick black lashes. Endless, piercing, simmering—
    Ugh! Stop it, Julia.
    Not to mention it was weird seeing as how he was Grace’s stepson and she was… whatever she was. A little too kissin’ cousins for her. Then there was the whole issue of his life calling. Never in a million years could she see herself with a minister.
    Though, if all ministers looked as good in a pair of jeans, she imagined there’d be more of a following—
    Julia! Quit it!
    So, wouldn’t you know the object of her intense internal dialogue would be in the kitchen when she went down to breakfast? She rounded the corner, and there he was, at the table. Julia wasn’t expecting him to be there, so she let out a little, girly yelp.
    One dark brow quirked in amusement. “Good morning.”
    Julia decided to go with attitude. “Are you supposed to be here?”
    â€œI live here.”
    Hmm, seemed he was going with attitude, too.
    â€œI thought you lived over the garage and rarely came to the main house,” she said.
    â€œSort of like a relative the family keeps hidden away in the attic?” he asked, with a nice touch of sarcasm she had to admire.
    In spite of her own unease, Julia couldn’t help a slight smile. “Grace seemed to imply you were gone a lot on church business. Although, maybe she said that so I wouldn’t bolt. I’ve come to realize both she and Sarah have devious minds.”
    The brow quirked again. “This is news to you? I’ve known since I was a kid. Especially Sarah. She looks so sweet and innocent—”
    â€œSo you don’t realize you’ve been bamboozled until after the fact.”
    They both chuckled, and it seemed to ease the tension.
    Seth pointed to the counter behind her. “If you’re hungry, Grace left a plate warming in the oven. There’s coffee, too.”
    Julia pivoted and walked over to the oven. The smell wafting out of the oven when she opened the door nearly brought her to her knees. Even though she’d only been planning on grabbing a cup of coffee, she was suddenly famished. She took the plate out of the oven and peeled back the foil. Eggs, bacon, and a fluffy biscuit. Her mouth watered. She carried the plate over to the table along with a cup of the coffee. She reached for the biscuit first.
    The first bite had her groaning in pleasure. “Mm, I’d forgotten about the biscuits.”
    A grin tugged up the corner of his mouth. “They are pretty amazing. You strike me as a grab-a-cup-of-coffee-on-the-way-out-the-door kind of girl.”
    She conceded his point. “Or a bagel. So, was Grace playing me? Am I going to be running into you all the time?”
    â€œActually, she wasn’t far off,” he said, as he took a sip of his coffee. “I am busy. We sometimes go all week without seeing each other, but I stop in for breakfast when I can. Today, I’m here to help look after my dad while she does some shopping.”
    â€œOh. Does he still need
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