The Seer
Fabian!’  Mistral sat up quickly and looked out of the window for
her huge half-wolf.  ‘I’m sure that litter of puppies down by the farm
look just like him!
Phantasm bellowed through the door.
    ‘Oh tell him
I’ve died or something.’  Mistral muttered, slumping back down onto the
bed.  ‘I can’t face being bossed by him this early in the morning.’
    ‘I can hear
you!’  Phantasm shouted. 
    ‘Well don’t
listen then!’
    ‘Right that’s
it!  I’m coming in!’
    ‘I’ll be back
before the funeral begins.’  Fabian said quietly, bending to kiss her.
    ‘Where are you
going?  Oh, forget I even asked that, force of habit … I already know …
Leo,’ she sighed and gazed longingly into his velvet eyes. 
    He smiled,
stroking a finger slowly down her cheek before turning to leave.  Mistral
closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the door closing softly before she
opened them again to meet a pair of green eyes, blazing with anger.
    ‘Why are you
still in bed?’  Phantasm demanded icily.
    ‘Why are you
in my bedroom?’  She retorted, pulling the blanket up higher. 
    ‘Get up now!’
    ‘Not with you
in here!’
    ‘Oh, for
crying out loud!’  Phantasm spun around and called out to his
brother.  ‘Is that bath run for her yet?’
    ‘Yes.’  Phantom’s
muffled response came from the bathroom.
you!  In that bath and out as quickly as you can.  And please wash
your hair,’ he added in disdainful tone, walking out and slamming the door
behind him.
    ‘Bossy pants.’
 Mistral muttered and rolled over.
    ‘I heard that
    A short while
later Mistral was sat on a stool in Phantasm’s bedroom, eating warm bread and
honey whilst submitting to have her hair cut again, ‘I really can’t see what
all the fuss is about,’ she said through a mouthful of bread.  ‘And I
really am not enjoying a repeat of you attacking me with a comb and
scissors!  It’s not my wedding again you know!’
    ‘No Mistral,
for once, it’s an event that’s not all about you,’ said Phantasm, tugging a
comb through a knot in her hair.
    ‘What do you
mean by that?’  she demanded angrily. 
    ‘My brother
and I have waited two years for you to master your gift Mistral.  Two
years!  Now we can finally embrace all of the potential we share between
us.  The Divinus has passed.  It’s our time now.  We are going
to be under the scrutiny of every single Arcane, warrior and Council member
present today and you owe it to us to look the part for once!’
    ‘You want me
to be some kind of ornament?’  She spluttered furiously.  ‘Please
tell me we’re not going to be wearing matching outfits!’
    ‘You could
hardly be described as an ornament.’  Phantasm said crisply, yanking the
comb more savagely at the knot.  ‘And don’t be facetious!’
    ‘Ow!  You
did that on purpose!’  Mistral leapt off the stool. 
down!’  Phantasm ordered, giving her a look so reminiscent of Melsina that
Mistral instantly sank back down onto the stool and continued with her
breakfast in silence.
appeared at the doorway and Mistral mouthed desperate pleas at him, he regarded
her silently, his green eyes sympathetic but he shook his head at her
requests.  Mistral widened her eyes and mouthed something a lot less
pleasant but Phantom simply grinned and strolled into the room, opening the
wardrobe doors and casting an appraising eye across the row of dresses. 
    ‘You do
realise brother that any ladies you bring back here are going to think you
already have a woman in your life.’
    ‘Why would
they be looking in his wardrobe?’  Mistral frowned.
    ‘Don’t women
do that?  Check in the wardrobe for evidence of any other females … or
room for their own clothes?’ 
Mistral looked blank.  She and Fabian didn’t even own a wardrobe. 
Her few shirts and trousers were either scattered around their bedroom or
draped on the back of the
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