The Secret Weapon

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Book: The Secret Weapon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bridget Denise Bundy
    “But how are you going to steal a ride? Everyone working at the prison parks their cars inside the prison, or they take a shuttle bus out there.”
    Coraset smiled, but she never answered his question.
    “I don’t know about this, Coraset .”
    “ Don’t worry, Rudy. It’ll work out.”
    A silence fell between them. Coraset went outside to stare up at the star filled night sky. She hadn’t seen such a sight in over a year, and she suddenly realized how much she missed the stars and the moon. Something so far away, never to be touched, only to be seen, and she adored it nonetheless. The celestial bodies were the only sure thing to remain familiar despite everything else that changed in her life.
    Rudy joined her. He shoved his hands in his pockets taking in the view, as well .

    The morning arrived and Coraset stood outside the hut holding a packet of lukewarm water. She felt well rested, and she was in somewhat of a good mood despite where she was. She looked out onto the desert. The earth was already radiating heat.
    Rudy came out stretching and yawning. He scratched at the sand stuck to his back and stomach.
    “Good morning, Coraset.”
    “Morning, Rudy,” she answered.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Taking in the moment,” she said as she glanced quickly at him.
    “Are we still leaving tonight?”
    “That’s the plan. We have to go through the boxes to see what we can take, but we have to carry light.”
    “I can tell you what’s in most of them. There are bandages, gauze, aspirin, and some kind of ointments. One has nothing but ready to eat meals. There are snack packs in there, water, and some other stuff.”
    Coraset turned and went back inside. She asked Rudy who was following close behind her, “I’ll have to use the other bag. Who did it belong to?”
    “I believe it belonged to the big dude you shot yesterday.”
    “ Well, he won’t need it now.” Coraset commented as she went over to the far corner to drag out the bag. She placed it in the center of the floor and unzipped it. Inside were muscle man orange prison jumpsuit, his clean underwear, and a shaving kit. Coraset tossed all of those things except the shaving kit back into the corner and started searching through the boxes, only taking things they needed for the trip. They quietly packed for a while until Rudy couldn’t take the silence anymore. His increasing curiosity about Coraset was eating at him.
    He asked as he sat in front of his bag crossed legs, “Coraset, do you have family?”
    “ No,” she answered without interest. “Actually, I do. I have a stepfather.”
    “ Where is he?”
    “He’s in Barat.” Coraset answered quickly.
    Rudy noticed her answers were short, and he got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about her family. He let it go and returned to straightening the items in his bag.
    Coraset finished packing, satisfied with what she had. She saw that Rudy craved conversation. It was understandable. He was like a kid, eager to be heard, eager to listen to something interesting. Even with the both of them there, he was lonely.
    She sat down across from him and asked, “What about you? Do you have family?”
    Rudy’s face lightened up , and he answered, “I have my sister, thank God. Her name is Alice. She lives in Barat, too.”
    “How old is she?” Coraset asked .
    “ She’s thirty something. That’s what she tells me. I don’t get the something part.”
    Coraset laughed understanding what his sister meant and explained, “It simply means she’s over thirty but below forty. How old are you?”
    “I’m twenty years old,” Rudy stated.
    “Only twenty,” Coraset said as she smiled, thinking back to when she was that age. “I was in college studying international law when I was twenty.”
    “What did you do after you graduated?”
    “I started working for Erato Biotrade in charge of its worldwide humanitarian efforts.” Coraset felt a little pride, but it
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