Looking in the mirror he admired his black on black Armani, his dreamy eyes and movie star looks. He was ready, but was she ready for him.
Justin noticed that something felt different about Sharon, she didn’t appear to be like the normal beautiful bimbo that he banged; he actually wanted to know what she thought. He laughed to himself as he made his way to his Maserati thinking “could I have met my match?” the thought made him smile deeper showing off the sexy dimples that made women cream.
Sharon was waiting in Minibar, an exclusive thirty course restaurant in Penn Quarter. She, like most, heard about this pioneering tasting menu only eatery but knew that booking a reservation was harder than winning the lottery. She marveled at the exclusivity of the space, only seating six guests; and thought “This guy really has some clout.” Her attention was directed to laughter coming from the front of the room where Justin was shaking hands with Juan Andres one of the most famous chef’s today and the owner of the restaurant. She noticed Juan point in her direction and Justin began making his way over.
Drop dead gorgeous was what she was sitting there in a form fitting Versace outfit. He noticed she had the prettiest eyes, they were a light shade of blue and they were shaped like diamonds. Once at the table he greeted Sharon with a kiss on the cheek saying “I hope you found this place with no problem?” Looking around he recognized the other four guests and gave them each a head nod. “I found this place just fine. My friends and I have always wanted to come.”
Turning his attention back to Sharon he smiled that breath taking smile and said “Well I am glad that you can share your first time with me.” There was a sexual undertone to his words which cause her to blush so he quickly changed the topic “So Sharon tell me about you. I mean you know so much about me already!” Sharon told him how she did pre med at Cornell, medical school at Columbia and her residency at John Hopkins. When their food arrived she was explaining that she was a Pediatric Neurosurgeon. Justin was really intrigued. He took a sip of his wine and then asked “what is neurosurgery?” The smile in her eyes told him something deep about her; she loved what she did. Sharon explained that neurosurgery involved the brain, central nervous system and spinal cord. She spun the details of her chosen profession like a well told novel “It really covers all aspects of brain surgery, from pre-operative imaging to removal of tumors.” There was a steady twinkle in her eye that was infectious. Justin couldn’t believe that this petite vixen performs brain surgery. It was all too much for him and he loved it. It had been years since a woman attracted him outside of the bedroom and the feeling was wonderful. The finished their meals talking about music, movies, and hobbies. They steered clear of politics and Justin appreciated the gesture.
The evening was filled with exciting discussion and delicious food. Justin and Sharon ended the night with a friendly kiss and promised to see each other again soon. For Justin this was a new way to end the evening and he loved every minute of it. He wondered if he had found someone who he could spend a lifetime with. That thought alone was so foreign to him, but he not only thought about her beauty, but about the powerful political asset she would make to him. His father always told him how important the right woman on your arm was in the political game. He wasn’t quite sure at first, but Sharon was causing him to think.
Turn for the worst
Jessica and Austin were trying to relax at home. These were the times that they lived for; shutting the world out and putting each other first. Jessica was very concerned because Austin had been
Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy