pursue”. Hargrove quickly interrupted,” So that’s when you pushed him out the window”? Stunned by that one, I said nothing for a second, and Hargrove continued. “You were pissed that he was going to sue you, and make you pay for the damage you caused, you couldn’t take it anymore and pushed him out the window”. A voice from the hallway
answered the good Detective.
“He did no such thing, did you even bother to look at his foot, Not only was he struck by lightning, he lost two toes in the process, and hasn’t even attempted to stand on it yet, nor should he, it will take at least 2-3 days before the swelling goes down so we can put a walking boot on him. I hope that answers your question”? Nurse Mattie to the rescue, I will say she does have good timing. She brought 3 pair of rubber gloves, handing a pair to each of my 3 visitors. “What the hell is this for”, The Detective quipped. “For your protection, and you all would be wise to put them on”.
“What do you mean, for our protection, I don’t get it”. “You try and touch him without those gloves, trust me, you will get it, jolted that is by electricity, the boy’s full of it”. Nurse Mattie stared at them waiting for them to put their gloves on. All 3 of them exchanging glances between them, them back at Nurse Mattie. “And you two”, Referring to each of the police on my left and right, “Need to back farther away from him, before your radios and phones get fried”. “I’ll be back in 15 minutes to take him to his new room, if you can’t ask all your questions by then, you’ll have to come back later this afternoon, Billy’s been through a lot”. She turned towards me, gave me a wink as she left the waiting room.
Detective Hargrove was unimpressed by Nurse Mattie’s warning, tossing the gloves on the coffee table. The other two, Narcles and Officer too many letters, slowly backed away from me. “Hey Ned,” Narcles whispered, “What time you got, my watch stopped”? Annoyed, Ned replied, “I told you to quit buying those cheap ass five dollar Casio’s”. Ned looked down at his ever reliable Timex, looked back up at
Narcles wide eyed, “Mine stopped too”. At the same time both Officers backed up a good ten feet from me, almost to the wall of the waiting room.
Hargrove watched his fellow officers put their tails be-tween their legs, whimpering in the corner. I doubt that’s how Hargrove would put it, but that’s what it looked like to me. “Where are you two Nancy’s going, get back over here”? They did as requested, but not before putting on the rubber gloves, which left the Detective shaking his head in disbelief. Hargrove sat back down in the chair next to me and leaned in. “So, you going to tell me what you did to the Doctor, we both know you did it. Probably rammed him with this wheel-chair, forcing him out the window, isn’t that right Kid”? This guy must have been a relative of the Doctors in some way, for he is pissing me off in the same manner the Doctor did. “Look I was in bed when he came screaming into the room, Nurse Mattie put me in this thing to take me down here. All I now is one moment he’s yelling at me, the next he started shaking uncontrollably and ran straight through the window. That’s all I know”.
Unimpressed by my presumed innocence, Detective Hargrove leaned closer to me and whispered, “Don’t know yet how you did, but I soon will”. The smell of burning plastic invaded my nostrils. Looking down at Hargrove’s coat pocket, smoke was pouring out of it. “Aw shit”, he screamed, while putting his hand in his pocket, trying to retrieve his phone.
Unable to retrieve his phone, Hargrove peeled off his coat, and patted it down until the smoke subsided.
Looking back at me, he reached over to grab the rubber
gloves off of the coffee table. Putting his freshly gloved hand into his coat