the office before John arrived in the New York Office. Bruce had told John many times he was going to enjoy watching him go all the way back down the ladder. According to Bruce, John had stepped on everyone ’ s head on the way up the ladder. John hadn ’ t, he had just taken Bruce ’ s spot ; a spot that was thought to have been arranged by Bruce ’ s father, a US senator . John knew differently, but that was a story for a different day.
“ So if you don ’ t solve this one . . . ” John began. Jessica was nodding as he began speaking. John just left it hanging.
“ Bruce has convinced the brass in Washington that we aren ’ t complete agents. He ’ s convinced them we are only good as the team, and now , without you, we can ’ t be complete. He has completely convinced Washington that being on the team has hurt us. And Trip . . . well Trip can ’ t fight Washington and Bruce knows it. ” Jessica said.
John leaned forward and put his head in his hands. Trip was a good guy; he just wasn ’ t one to stick his neck on the line. He wanted a safe, comfortable job. John was willing to take chances. Many had worked over the years, but some had backfired . . . very, very badly. If the higher-up s at Washington were leaning on him . . . well, why would Trip save them? For that matter, how could Trip save them? Actually there was no them right now, was there . . .
John raised his head up, “ So you believe if I come back and help you, then you will ha ve kept yoursel ves safe for now ? Let ’ s say I do this, we figure it out and solve this case. What happens next time ? This is a one - time reunion. We ’ re not putting the band back together . ”
Jessica smiled. “ John, help us and buy us a few months. After this case is over and you don ’ t want back in, I ’ ll drop it. ” Chet shot Jessica a look and started to speak. She put her hand over his mouth and shushed him. Jessica continued to talk with her finger over Chet ’ s mouth which caused John to raise his eyebrows. “ If you help us, win or lose, Trip has agreed to let you see the file. ”
Jo hn was about to ask if her and Chet had become an item, but with this revelation John jumped to his feet.
“ Jessica, Chet . . . do not play with me!! ” John was trying hard to keep his composure. This was what he wanted , and more importantly, needed.
Jessica walked up to him and took both of his hands in hers. She looked straight into his eyes. He had seen that look once before . It was during the interrogation. “ John , I need you to b e you. You need to live again. Y ou need to be that . . . “ She looked up at the ceiling, blew out a breath and continued, “ you need to be that arrogant, cocky, ” John ’ s grin was growing by the second and irritation was slowly spreading its way across Jessica ’ s face. “ s mug , narcissistic, jerk that can follow a 10 year old scent across three continents. ” Jessica was staring hard into John ’ s eyes.
John broke the silence. “ I know exactly what you are thinking. ” Jessica raised an eyebrow. John continued. “ You ’ re thinking, he ’ s a widower now, and he has been for three years, would it be inappropriate if I kiss him? ”
Jessica threw down John ’ s hands, and stood up as straight as she could to look him in the eye. She spoke softly but very crisply. “ You know I asked Sam once about your obsession with me. ” John was taken aback. “ She said I was the only woman she ever worried about. I told her then she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Nice to see you ’ re back . . . JERK!! ”
Jessica turned to walk away, but John grabbed her arm. She slowly turned looking at the hand on her arm and then at John.
“ Jessica . . . I ’ m sorry. ” Irritation left Jessica ’ s face. “ Jess . . . I . . . was so mad at you . . . you just did your job.