The Ransom Knight
out his hand, and a volley of sparks erupted from his fingers, shredding two of the misshapen wolves into tatters of mist. The wall of gray fog rolled forward, blanketing Mazael. He could not see more than a few yards in any direction before the mist swallowed the light. 
    Then the warriors crashed into him, raising their spectral weapons. Mazael parried the blows on his shield and struck back, his sword sinking into the phantoms and unraveling them. He hacked and slashed his way through the press until he found Gerald. The phantoms surrounded the boy, threatening to overwhelm him, and Mazael attacked, destroying three of the spirit creatures in quick succession. Gerald offered a quick nod of gratitude, and they started fighting back to back, covering each other. Mazael swept his eyes over the phantoms, seeking for Trocend and the others, but he saw nothing through the mist. Occasionally pulses of blue light flashed in the fog. Trocend’s magic had been enough to drive off the phantoms. Would it be strong enough now? Or would the phantoms kill them all?
    Mazael snarled in fury and took the head from another ghostly warrior, rage pulsing through him. If those phantom warriors wanted his life, then they could bloody well try to take it! He would destroy as many of them as he could before…
    Suddenly there were no more phantom warriors left.
    Mazael spun, seeking new foes, but the fog pulled back from him as quickly as if it had been blown by a gale. He watched as the fog drew into itself, billowing over the bridge and back into Castle Highstone. It was like watching water spiral down a drain. 
    The mist vanished back into the castle. 
    “You all right?” said Mazael.
    “Aye,” said Gerald. “I am unharmed. I don’t understand what happened.”
    “Neither do I,” said Mazael, looking for the others. Atalia stood a short distance away, sweat dripping down her face. There was no sign of Trocend or Mulger or Tollard, and for a grim moment Mazael was sure the spirit creatures had killed them. 
    Yet there were no bodies. No sign of blood, even. 
    “What…happened to Trocend and the others?” said Gerald. 
    “I don’t know,” said Mazael.
    “I do,” said Atalia. “I think…I think the spirits took them. I think that Traeger wanted them. I…” 
    She shook her head, clutching at her side. 
    “Are you wounded?” said Gerald.
    “No,” said Atalia. “I…used too much magic. I’m not that strong. It’s like carrying buckets of bricks up like a flight of stairs. Do it too much, and your stamina fails. I…I…”
    Her eyes rolled up into her head, and she started to fall. Mazael cursed, shifted his sword to his shield hand, and caught her with his right arm before she toppled. He grunted, slid his blade into its scabbard, and picked up the unconscious woman with both arms.
    “What do we do now?” said Gerald.
    That was a very good question.
    “Follow me,” said Mazael. “I’ll think of something.”

Chapter 4: The Apprentice

    It was nearly dark by the time Atalia regained consciousness. 
    Mazael led Gerald deeper into the trees, far enough that the light of a fire would not be visible from the castle’s ramparts, but close enough that he could keep an eye upon the castle. Gerald built a fire while Mazael laid Atalia down upon the ground. 
    “Do you think she’ll be all right?” said Gerald.
    “Probably,” said Mazael. “She’s just exhausted.”
    “I didn’t know magic was so tiring,” said Gerald.
    “Apparently it is,” said Mazael. “I’m told it’s like wielding a sword, but with your thoughts instead of your hands. Just as the body grows weary, so does the mind.” He shook his head. “I saw this happen with my father’s wizards in the Grim Marches.” 
    “What will we do now?” said Gerald.
    “Well,” said Mazael. “We have no ransom and no wizard. Trocend had the ransom on him. I still don’t understand what’s going on here. She knows.” He jerked a thumb at
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