The Puzzle Master

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Book: The Puzzle Master Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Spiva
Tags: Juvenile Fiction, Social Issues, Friendship
room was hot. Mason had opened one of the windows before he’d gotten into bed. Marshall usually had ears like a cat and could hear anything. But he hadn’t heard him. And it was so hot. If only he could be back in the junk store with the air conditioning.
    He took off his shorts and t-shirt and tossed them next to his bed. He was in his underwear and it was still too hot. Dad said the air had to go off at nine. And Marshall was sure Mason had turned if off early just to get him back for saying no to him. A small haze was at the windows and a glazed light fettered through the curtain, even though the sun had been down for a while.
    If they grounded him for a week, he wouldn’t be able to work on the puzzle. He wouldn’t be able to see Luke. What would Iris think? He’d told her he’d be back. He didn’t want to break a promise to her. She seemed … well, he wasn’t sure what she seemed. Fragile maybe, about ready to break like that favorite piece of china his mother had hanging on the dining room wall.
    He reached down to his shorts and felt around for the inhaler. His lungs were itching for a breath of air. Just a quick breather.
    He took a breath, and felt better until he noticed that Mason’s snoring was getting louder.
    The last week of summer was the pits.
    The entire week was the worst he’d ever had it. He could barely go outside for a chance to look at the clouds, when his mom whisked him back in. The only reason Mom knew was because Leila would whine her eyes out that he’d snuck outside.
    After three days of being cooped up, his mom finally let him out back so he could deadhead all the flowers. Every day he thought about the puzzle. He wondered if Iris had started it. He even worried she’d have it finished when he finally made it back to Luke’s.
    He knew that was stupid—and impossible—but he hadn’t seen her in three days. He had four more to go before the first day of school. And he had every intention of heading back to the store as soon as the bell rang at three.
    But what if she was a genius at doing puzzles and she didn’t even know it? The biggest puzzle he’d ever seen and she would have it done in a week. Wouldn’t that be perfect.
    Missy wandered over to him as he dug out weeds in the garden.
    “Get out of here Miss,” but the cat ignored him and moved in and out of his arms and hands, just trying to get any petting she could. She circled-eight his hands, as he bent over to grab dandelions out of the vegetable patch, and meowed.
    The neighbor lady, Mrs. Kelso, peeked over the fence. It wasn’t terribly tall. Leila could practically see over it, it was so short. And a good wind would knock the whole thing over like a row of matches. He was sure this winter would bring a new fence. And he hoped it was at least six feet tall this time.
    “Oh, I’m sorry Marshall. Missy just loves company. Missy, come here girl,” the lady said, but the cat didn’t budge. Marshall pet the cat under her ears and chin, and the humming purr set in like a lawn mower.
    “What are you doing out back pulling weeds? It’s hot out here,” said Mrs. Kelso, looking Marshall up and down and then looking at the slider door. She looked like she wanted to give his mother a word about working her son so hard.
    “Yeah, well …” he paused. How much should he tell her? She was like the nosiest neighbor ever and knew everything about everyone. “Got grounded for staying too late at Luke’s.” He shrugged and went back to the weeds that were strangling the carrots.
    “Oh, you mean the Luke’s Junk Store Luke?”
    Marshall nodded. “You know him?”
    “Sure do. That place sure is filled, isn’t it?” Marshall got the impression that Luke’s was not her favorite place.
    “Yeah,” said Marshall, wishing he was there. “I was supposed to go back. There’s a puzzle he gave me, but I can’t start it now since I’m here.” He raked out some old acorns, and a patch of ants spread around him. He got
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