The Pup Who Cried Wolf

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Book: The Pup Who Cried Wolf Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chris Kurtz
sister,” Mona says to me. She looks at me and giggles. “You haven’t had so much attention since you were a puppy. You must love this.”
    Honestly, the ball, the dancing, the strings of pearls winding around my feet … not really my thing. Thank goodness Mona stayed close by. She manages to get my beautiful scarves removed, and I get a tummy party and a back scratch for my trouble. Things are looking up, and for a moment I think I might even get a little bit of leash-free exploration time.

    Sadly, Mona has not forgotten the ranger’s rules. She clips a chain to my collar just as I am making up my mind which way to run. The chain is attached to the bottom step of the large motor home, and Mona disappears before I even remember to pout.
    My chain is long enough for me to hop up inside the motor home to find Hector and Glory, who are side by side in their cages on the floor.
    â€œHe’s still alive,” says Glory, giving me a slight wave with one wing, “and not much worse for the wear.”
    â€œOooh, he’s so cute!” says Hector in a high girl voice.
    â€œAnd thank you for your support,” I tell Hector. “With any luck it will be your turn after supper.”
    I throw myself down between Hector and Glory. Even though they aren’t anything like a wolf family, it feels good to be back with these two.
    Luck turns out to be on my side. In between supper and s’mores, Alexandra asks Mona to unhook the door to Hector’s cage. She hauls him out by his tail, with Mona trying to show her howto be kind, and carries him away. In spite of myself, I feel just a tiny bit sorry for him.
    â€œI’ll be next,” says Glory with a heavy sigh.
    There’s nothing I can say.
    At bedtime, Alexandra comes stomping up the stairs of the motor home with Hector in her hands, complaining that she isn’t even tired. She might not be, but I can tell that Hector is going to get a good night’s sleep.
    â€œOh, my aching ears,” he complains as he is dumped back into his cage. Mona latches the door behind him, and he hugs the wires with his little hands. “Home sweet home.”
    â€œWe need a plan,” I say.
    â€œExactly.” Hector throws himself down in a corner. “You two make a plan while I sleep off the agony. I’m counting on you.”
    In another moment he is snoring. Glory and I look at each other. She doesn’t look like she has any more ideas than me—and I have zero.
    Then far out in the distance I hear something that makes the hairs on the back of my neck sit up and pay attention. It’s the howl of a wolf. It is not the bad brakes on a garbage truck. It is not myimagination. It is a wolf and I can tell that Glory hears it too.
    I start to shiver so hard from excitement that I can hardly get my next words out. “I’m p-p-pretty sure we could learn a thing or two about getting out of a tight spot from w-w-wolves.”
    â€œI’m afraid a wolf’s set of skills will not help you right now,” says Glory.
    â€œHow do you know? Have we tried slashing with fangs and going for the jugular?”
    â€œI tried a bite or two when I was a younger bird,” says Glory. “Trust me. Mona wants Alexandra to learn how to treat us well. But Alexandra is family for Mona. She does not want Alexandra harmed in the process.”
    I listen for more wolf calls, but the night is quiet except for crickets.
    â€œIf I was with the wolves, I wouldn’t have these problems,” I say.
    â€œWolves have problems,” says Glory. “Do you think wild creatures have it easy?”
    I don’t answer Glory. But I know she has me figured out all wrong. Maybe some dogs are happy with the soft life. But not this dog.
    Not a dog in the land of his ancestors.
    Not a dog who is determined to find his pack even if he is a little on the small side.
    Not small, exactly. A little undersized, maybe.
    Mona comes in.
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