The Pup Who Cried Wolf

The Pup Who Cried Wolf Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Pup Who Cried Wolf Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chris Kurtz
on to me.
    â€œOooh, he’s so cute, Aunt Mona.”
    No amount of digging into the carpet helps.

    â€œBe kind,” says Mona.
    Alexandra pulls.
    â€œBe careful,” says Mona.
    Alexandra hauls. I’m being reeled in like a fish on a line. Backward.
    â€œAlexandra, be gentle,” says Mona.
    I’m dragged out of my hiding spot. There’s nothing kind or careful or gentle about this. I’m about to be hoisted into the air by my left hind leg.
    â€œAlexandra, no!” Mona’s voice reminds me of my puppy days, when I thought it might be fun to piddle on her shoe. But it’s too late.
    Being upside down is starting to feel very familiar.

Loving Lobo
    Mona scrambles out of the car and dashes around to the other side. It is my secret dream to watch Alexandra get a swat on the hindquarters with Mona’s appointment book. And then Mona might remind Alexandra that I am a dangerous creature with wild ancestors who can never be fully trusted around small children.
    Instead, “I know you’re not used to animals, sweetie,” is all Mona says. “Here. Let me show you.”
    Mona’s soothing hands get me right side up.It’s good of her to try, but “sweetie” has been up to these same tricks longer than I can remember. Glory tells stories about Alexandra that happened before Hector and I were even born. The minute Mona turns her back, I’m in trouble.
    Now that I’m upright, I get hugged in the much-too-tight way.
    â€œEasy, honey,” says Mona.
    Easy, honey? How about bad girl! Bad, bad girl. My ear is crushed against Alexandra’s bony chest so hard I can hear the drumbeat of her heart.
    â€œYou have to be very, very kind to my little family.” Mona reaches down and eases my position. “Okay, Alexandra? Promise?”
    â€œOkay, Aunt Mona. I promise.” Alexandra pats my head. “Sorry, Lobo.”
    â€œNow, you wait right here,” Mona says, “and hold Lobo very gently while I say hello to everyone.”
    Uh-oh. Mona is turning away to get hugs from her mother and father and sister. Alexandra is not waiting right here. I have a bad feeling about this.
    At least Alexandra is holding me gently now. But she takes me straight to her tent. I see afamiliar box. A box filled with beads and scarves and ribbons and bows.
    â€œLobo.” Alexandra gives me a mostly gentle hug. “You are going to be the best-looking one at the whole ball!”
    Best-looking? This doesn’t sound so bad.
    â€œAunt Mona, come play with me!” Alexandra hollers into my ear. “I’m the princess and Lobo wants to be my long-lost twin sister!”
    I change my mind. Lobo does not want to go to the ball or be anyone’s twin sister, and she … he does not care any longer if he is the best looking. Fortunately, Mona understands the emergency and comes running.
    Unfortunately, Mona does not put an end to the game but instead joins in. For a half hour that seems like forever, I am the lovely sister to Princess Alexandra. She ties strings of plastic pearls and leopard print scarves around my neck.
    Mona spends most of her time saying things like, “Not too tight, honey.” Or “Be gentle, angel.” Or “Sweetheart, I don’t think Lobo likes it when his dress gets tangled around his legs.”
    Let me tell you. Lobo does not like that at all!
    Finally it is time to go to the ball. After being introduced to all the handsome princes, Alexandra picks up my front paws and we go dancing about. Mona giggles and keeps busy by following us and loosening the items around my neck that I can’t help stepping on.
    Finally the little monster’s mother calls.
    â€œOff you go, princess,” Mona says to Alexandra. “It’s supper time. You can finish loving Lobo later.”
    Oooh, so much to look forward to. Thanks, Mona.
    Alexandra’s little feet pad off to the table.
    â€œOkay, twin
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