The Playa Chronicles

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Book: The Playa Chronicles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Roy Glenn
ain’t one of your boy’s phone numbers or some voice mail number?”
    “What you talking ’bout?”
    “You aren’t married or living with somebody, are you?”
    “No, that’s my number. No, I’m not married and I live alone.”
    “Just checking. I know how tricky men get sometimes.”
    “No tricks. I’m too old for games. Now if you’d caught me a few years ago, I might have some game for you. But now, I’m just me.”
    “So can I get a rain check on the meal and the drink or whatever?”
    “You sure can. All you have to do is call.”
    “I’ll do that. Talk to you soon. Good night, Rick.”
    “Have a nice, quiet evening,” I said, as Vanessa drove off. I got back in my car and went home. I drove home thinking about Vanessa. I had just got picked up at the grocery store. She probably won’t call.

Why April?
    On the way home one night, April barely said a word. I didn’t try too hard to get her to talk to me. I’ve known her long enough to know that she would let me know what was on her mind when she was ready. The look on her face dragged me back to my question. Why do I do it?
    The thrill of the hunt.
    The excitement that you only get from the pursuit of a woman. But lately, once they take their clothes off and laid down, the thrill was gone. Once the act was over I’d lose interest, except with Laura. Somehow it was different with Laura.
    When we got to April’s house, she was ready to talk. As soon as we walked through the door, April said,“Rick, you and I need to have a conversation.”
    “What about?” I asked.
    “I think we need to take a break from each other.”
    “Why April?”
    “Laura,” she said, as she sat down on the couch.
    I sat in the chair across from her. “What about her?” I was so shocked that April knew about her, that I didn’t even ask how she found out.
    “What’s going on between the two of you?” April looked at me. “Never mind. I already know the answer to that. There is no point in you denying it. There really isn’t too much you can say to convince me otherwise. I know you. And to be honest with you, I’m tired of playing the role like you got me fooled.”
    “You’re right, there’s nothing I can say, so I won’t. But I know you ain’t nobodies fool, April,” I said, trying to do a little damage control.
    “I’d convinced myself that as long as it didn’t cut into my time, when I wanted to see you, it was cool. But I was a younger girl then. It was cool back then ’cause we had that kind of understanding. I was going out with other men. Back then, you were struggling, trying to find a direction for yourself, and you didn’t have any money to do anything. Remember how we would lay in bed at night and talk about how we were gonna do this and that? And how you would tell me all about how it was gonna be once you made it in sales?”
    “I remember those days too. Those were good days between us. I know I didn’t have much, but I tried my best.”
    “I know you did. But I still wanted to go places, do things that I knew you couldn’t afford. So I did. I did some things that I’m not proud of. Looking back, I can’t believe some of the things I did.”
    “Like what?” I asked, but I really didn’t want to know. “Never mind. Even though those were good days, I still remember how it felt sitting there watching you get dressed, knowing that you were going out with another man. But what could I possibly say about it?”
    “So how do you think I felt? That’s what sent me out there. You. I’m not saying you made me do it. You didn’t make me do anything. But you know what’s good for the goose and all that. And to be honest with you, I never thought that we would still be together after all these years. I never in a million years thought that I would still love you the way I do. And I do love you, Rick. But this has got to stop.”
    I got out of my chair and went a sat down next to April. “I know you’re not gonna believe this,
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