The Physiology of Taste

The Physiology of Taste Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Physiology of Taste Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anthelme Jean Brillat-Savarin
des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne
Mme Dacier:
Antiquitates Culinariae
    HISTORICAL EVENTS: Mirabeau condemns “barbaric” measures against suspected é
, fearing the beginning of a police state (February). Death of Mirabeau (April).
Escape of royal family and their recapture at Varennes (June). Assembly decrees that the king cannot be indicted, but republican support is increasing. Danton’s Cordeliers Club organizes Champ de Mars petition (17 July); National Guard fires on the crowd when it refuses to disperse.
Declaration of Pilnitz (August): Emperor Leopold and Frederick II of Prussia undertake to support Louis XVI – but only in the unlikely event of other European monarchs joining them. Nevertheless, fear of armed foreign intervention spreads among revolutionaries. France annexes Avignon and Venaissin, papal territories within her borders (September).
Assembly passes Constitutional Act, endorsed by the king (September). Dissolution of Constituent Assembly (30 September). Its members had voted to disqualify themselves from standing for re-election – a measure proposed by Robespierre which effectively eliminates many moderates from government.
New Legislative Assembly meets (October). Inflation caused by the
, revolutionary paper money. Led by Brissot, the Brissotin (or Girondist) faction successfully agitates for war against Austria, hoping to rally popular passion behind it to the benefit of the left wing.
Mêot, former
officier de bouche
of the prince de Condé, opens a restaurant which soon comes to rival that of Beauvilliers. Unrestrainedly luxurious, it also provides girls to attend to customers’ every need and – it was rumoured – a silver bath in which a gentleman might relax in champagne. It was a great favourite with revolutionaries such as Danton and Desmoulins and it is said that the Constitution of 1791 was largely drafted at Méot’s.
US Congress meets in Philadelphia.
    DATE: 1792
    AUTHOR’S LIFE: Supports the war against anti-French coalition. His mother makes over to him all the family property in the town of Belley. Loses his job when Danton requires judges to stand for election (August). Elected mayor of Belley (December).
Sur les Suisses révoltés du régiment de Châteauvieux
Marat launches newspaper
Journal de la république française
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Travels in France
    HISTORICAL EVENTS: Girondists form ministry (March); war declared on Austria (April) and Prussia (July). Her army ill-prepared, France faces military disaster. Fall of
provokes food crisis, grain riots and demands for price controls.
Counter-revolutionary activity in the provinces – notably in Marseilles and Provence – crushed by local Jacobins. Denouncing court and aristocratic plots, the Girondists summon provincial National Guard (
to defend the Revolution in Paris. Louis XVI dismisses Girondist minister, Roland (June). Popular demonstrations in Paris (20 June) in which royal apartments again entered. Parisian municipal government by now permeated by revolutionaries, particularly the 48 Sections, local consituency divisions of the Commune, declared permanent on 25 July. Legislative Assembly takes on emergency powers – “La patrie en danger”. Duke of Brunswick, Allied general, threatens Parisians with violent reprisals if French royal family are harmed. Robespierre defines aim of calling an election for a new National Convention based on universal suffrage (speech at Jacobin Club, 29 July).
Radical Section leaders form break-away revolutionary Commune (9 August).
lead attack on the Tuileries (10 August) which turns into a massacre. Louis XVI deposed and imprisoned with his family in the Temple (13 August). Girondists obliged to summon a democratic National Convention and to allow Danton into the Ministry of Justice. Lafayette flees abroad (19 August). Verdun surrenders to
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