to hear the beginning of the story?” asked
Kelln was a little confused, “What story?”
“Of the Preacher.”
“You know of the Preacher?”
“Only too well,” Alastair sighed, then began. “Years ago, Belor
had grown into a beautiful city with wonderful people. They worked hard and
trusted one another. It was a jewel of the Realm; people came from all over to
vacation there, to be close to the sea. Belorians had peace with the rest of
the Realm and were secure. One day, about fifteen years ago, a man came into
Belor. He brought with him darkness and anger. He stirred the people up against
one another. He prospered on prejudice and pride. His name I cannot even say. I
only call him The Dark One. He had foreign magic and used it for his gain and
evil purposes. For five years this man ruled the underground in Belor. He
influenced many important men, spiritually, economically, and politically.
Families were ruined, and Belor became corrupt.”
Kelln opened his mouth to ask a question, but the old man held his
bony hand up in the air to stop him.
“Let me tell the whole story, young man. Then you may ask
questions. One man stood up to this dark one. One man felt a spiritual
enlightenment and taught that God would protect the righteous from outside evil
influences. He was a mighty man who had a lot of influence, especially over the
older people in Belor; he had taught them for years. He, too, had the old magic
in him. He wasn’t necessarily strong in its use, but he used the power for
healing and help. Many joined with him to fight against The Dark One and his
evil. They fought not with weapons, but with words. They did not want to
increase the violence.”
Kelln shifted in his seat as Alastair paused to put some more wood
on the stove. It was dry and started popping and snapping. Kelln’s clothes
began drying out with the increased heat.
“This man had a son who also had a beautiful daughter. The wise
man sent his son to Mar and then across the sea to be taught by the wise ones
in the eastern kingdoms. He hoped his son would one day return with the
knowledge and strength that would help to save the city and carry on in peace
after the old man died. For five years the man, with less and less support,
fought against the growing evil, waiting for his son to return.
“His son returned with fire and determination to set right that
which had gone wrong in Belor. He had pride in Belor and taught this to the
people. He was tall, powerful, and charismatic. Many people began to follow
him, and with the help of his father, they began to turn the tide of evil. But
The Dark One held strong power over many of the city’s organizations. The
father thought that as the people returned to righteousness and peace, this man
of evil would lose his power and leave. His son, however, became preoccupied
with The Dark One and vowed to destroy him himself. This son forgot all other
things in his quest against this evil one.
“One day the son came to his father with a gleam in his eye and told
him The Dark One would bother them no more. Hours later a servant found The
Dark One dead in his bed, a pure-silver knife stabbed through his heart. The
son took personal pride in the killing. His father, of course, was saddened.
His son, his joy and the hope of the people, had committed a grievous sin.”
“But he had rid the world of an evil man.” Interrupted Kelln for
the first time in the long telling.
“Yes, but at what price? No matter how evil the man was, it is not
our decision to take his life in cold blood. The son continued his preaching
against evil, the people joined him, and the city began to prosper once again.
However, as prosperity increased, the son took more and more power upon
himself. He began preaching against everyone who had influence with Belor but
was not Belorian.”
“The Preacher,” whispered Kelln.
“Yes, he became known as the Preacher, a mockery of what he
claimed to be. He became even