situation, but knowing I had to speak to the captain.
“Don’t worry about me,” the young officer replied. “I could not abandon those who are going to the mountain. I love them more than I love this ship.”
As we came to the captain’s quarters, I could not help but marvel at its opulence. He was waiting to usher us in and had refreshments ready. I assumed he had been notified that I was coming when I passed the officer of the deck. He seemed genuinely glad to see me. After exchanging greetings, and some news about a few common people we knew, I got right to the point.
“Captain. I am honored that you have trusted me with some of your people to carry on this mission,” I began.
“I am so happy for you to take them. They are all great people, and I think they will do very well with you,” the captain replied.
“The few minutes that I was with them they seemed well prepared. My concern is for the others here. The time is short. Those who do not make this journey soon may never have the chance. This could be the last call,” I stated.
“I appreciate your zeal,” the captain replied, “but people have been saying that for generations. In fact, I think every generation has felt the same way, and yet time goes on.”
“Even if we have a lot of time left, we do not have any time to waste. The battles between light and darkness are increasing, and the last battle is obviously near. We must make it to the mountain of the Lord with as many as we can,” I urged.
“There are certainly great battles being fought,” the captain replied. “We appreciate all who are fighting them and do as much as we can to support them. I have fought in quite a few myself, but right now we are being taught how to prosper. We must be obedient to our calling. This is our part now, and with our prosperity, we can help support those who are going on these missions.”
The opulence and luxury were mind-numbing. Everything the captain said seemed so reasonable. My own words seemed empty and unreal on such a great ship. After the hardship I had just endured the temptation to just stop and relax on that ship for a while was very strong. The captain seemed to sense my growing weakness, and continued:
“I learned a long time ago that you have to release those who are determined to make the journey you are taking them on. If they do not go they will end up sowing discord here. They’re all good people though, and I thank you for taking them.
“Before you go,” the captain said, taking my forearm in a friendly gesture, “are you sure that you should not stay here for awhile? I have a perfect position for you. There is not a better place to get healed of your wounds and the hardship you have been through than right here.”
I don’t remember ever being so tempted in my life. I knew that if I even opened my mouth to debate with the captain, I could end up staying. I just shook my head and left as quickly as I could.
The young officer was right behind me. I felt defeated. Not only had I not been able to penetrate the atmosphere on that ship and warn those on it, it had almost taken me over. I was running for my life like a puppy with its tail between its legs.
As we crossed the beach, I turned to the young officer, “What caused you to be willing to leave such a comfortable position to strike out into a wilderness like this?”
“I don’t want to be negative or disrespectful of my captain,” the young officer replied. “He taught me so much and has given me so much, but all we talk about anymore is money and stuff. I signed up to serve the Lord, not to get rich. This may be what they are called to, but it is not what I am called to.”
I marveled at the young man for being so resolute about something that I was so weak in. As we walked he continued:
“As great as it was to be on that ship, my heart was empty, and I was getting emptier. I saw good people drifting, beginning to do things that should not be done. I knew that if I did not