The No-cry Sleep Solution

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Book: The No-cry Sleep Solution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Pantley
of two things: crying or time. Personally, I choose time. And this means patience and might just represent your first opportunity to teach that particular virtue to your child.
    Parents have asked for my help because their five-year-old is still waking up at night. Take heart, and keep things in perspective.
    My new sleep plan will not take five years to produce the desired effect!
    The Test Mommies’ Experiences
    It really does help to know what other parents have experienced.
    The following is what a few of the test mommies had to say.
    Lisa, a mother of two girls, ages one and five—both with sleep problems—said in her first letter to me:
    I co-slept with Jen, our five-year-old, until she was about a year old, at which time we tried to move her to her own bed. Since that time, she comes into our room EVERY night. Yes, every night for the past four years! Our baby Elizabeth . . . well, at age one she is still getting up three to five times a night. I feel extreme anxiety. During the night, I hear the minutes ticking away on the clock that sits on my nightstand, waiting for one or the other to call for me, and with each minute everything seems to intensify. I often just break down and cry.
    As I sit here this morning with my coffee next to me, things don’t seem quite SO bleak, but I have to admit that I still feel like crying. I just can’t do this anymore. HELP.
    Five weeks later I received this E-mail from her:

    I know it’s not time for another log for us, but I just had to tell you what’s been going on. Beth has been going to sleep at 8:30 and waking only ONCE! And getting up at 7:30! I can’t believe it!
    Jennifer has also been in HER OWN ROOM *ALL* night for ten days in a row now! She’s so proud of herself, and I am so proud of her too!
    Kim, the single mother of thirteen-month-old Mathieau had this to say when we first started to work on her baby’s sleep habits: Well, things aren’t going according to my plan at all. I tried to get him down at 7:30—I tried rocking him, nursing him, putting him in his crib, patting his back, rocking again, and nursing again, and he finally gave out at 8:45. I honestly don’t know what the problem was tonight. I just hope it won’t continue to be like this. I want so badly for this to work, I’m very frustrated.
    Three weeks later, Kim had this to say:
    Hi! I know I E-mailed you a couple of days ago about Mathieau sleeping through the night, but I just had to share this with you. Mathieau has slept through the night three—yes, count them, three—
    nights in a row. Can you believe it? I actually feel like a functional mommy now. He let me sleep in this morning too. He woke around 6:30 this morning to nurse and went back to sleep until 9. I had so much energy today. And even more, the baby-sitter has finally been able to get him to nap, too! Today when I picked him up he was still asleep—he had been sleeping for almost two hours! I am so excited that your ideas are actually working for us. I never expected to see this kind of result so quickly. We have made some MAJOR progress, and we couldn’t have done it without your ideas. You are definitely on to something here and you are going to be changing many people’s lives.

    The No-Cry Sleep Solution
    The mother of a three-month-old, Christine expressed these feelings when we first spoke:
    Ryan’s night wakings are becoming very stressful on our family. My husband can no longer sleep in bed with us, so he has grudgingly moved to the guest room. I am petrified I won’t be able to function when I go back to work if I am going to continue to be up with him all night like this. I tried to let him cry it out, but it was a nightmare to see my normally happy, peaceful little baby crying so hard and sweating and looking so afraid and alone. I really hope you can help us.
    Her log, just forty-five days later, says it all.
    7:30 P.M. Asleep
    6:00 A.M.
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