The No-cry Sleep Solution

The No-cry Sleep Solution Read Online Free PDF

Book: The No-cry Sleep Solution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Pantley
mind that, during this time, I was actively researching and experimenting with ideas. You have the benefit of following a very tidy plan, so you should have quicker success. Also, certainly, Coleton was different from his sister Vanessa, who at an extremely young age, dove for her crib and woke happily ten hours later. Babies are as different from each other as we adults who raise them. But compare this log to where we started. Even though it took some time to get us to this point, I was ecstatic over our results.
    Here’s a footnote that will please many of you. Throughout this entire process, Coleton continued to breastfeed and sleep with me.
    Through my own experience and working with other mothers, I realized that co-sleeping–breastfeeding babies can sleep all night next to Mommy without waking to nurse, contrary to popular

    The No-Cry Sleep Solution
    thinking. If you are determined to continue breastfeeding and co-sleeping, you might be able to do so and get some sleep, too!
    Use This Book However It Is Helpful to You
    The good news is that you, my reader and new friend, need be involved in this process only to the extent that it is helpful to you.
    I will ask you to do nothing that is uncomfortable for you or anything but gentle for your baby. Use only those ideas that appeal to you; even using a few of them can help you and your baby sleep better.
    My goal is to help you and your baby sleep all night—without either of you crying along the way.
    My Test Mommies
    Once I had found success with Coleton, I searched out other families who were struggling with their baby’s night wakings. I gathered a group of sixty women who were enthusiastic about trying my sleep ideas. This test group is a varied and interesting bunch!
    When we first met, their babies ranged in age from two months to twenty-seven months. One even had a five-year-old with sleep problems. For some, this is a first baby, some have older siblings, and one mother has twins. Some of the mothers work outside the home; some work only at home. Some bottle-feed, some breastfeed. Some co-sleep, some put their babies to sleep in a crib, and some do a little of both. Some are married, and some are single.
    My test mommies live all across the United States and Canada, with a few from other countries as well. They are all very different from one another—yet they are all exactly the same in one

    important way: when we first met they were all struggling with sleepless nights.
    These mothers dutifully completed sleep logs every ten days and E-mailed me on a regular basis to keep me informed of their progress. They asked questions (boy, did they ask questions!), and as we worked through my sleep plan, they provided the information and feedback that helped me refine my ideas.
    Proof! It Works!
    At the start of our work together, none of the sixty mothers had babies who were sleeping through the night, according to the medical definition of the phrase, which is when a baby sleeps for a stretch of five or more hours without waking.
    As the test mommies followed ideas in The No-Cry Sleep Solution :
    • By day ten, 42 percent of the babies were sleeping through the night.
    • By day twenty, 53 percent were sleeping through the night.
    • By day sixty, 92 percent were sleeping through the night.
    Once these babies reached the five-hour milestone, they continued on with more sleep success, some achieving sleep stretches of nine to thirteen hours.
    How Long Will It Take for Your
    Baby to Sleep?
    Please keep in mind that making this transformation takes time.
    No crying, but no rushing either. I wish you could have results in

    The No-Cry Sleep Solution
    one day—I certainly can’t promise that—but I can promise that things will improve as you follow the suggestions.
    The irrefutable truth is that we cannot change a comfortable, loving-to-sleep (but waking-up-all-night) history to a go-to-sleep-and-stay-asleep-on-your-own routine without one
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