The Naked Gospel: Truth You May Never Hear in Church

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Book: The Naked Gospel: Truth You May Never Hear in Church Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Farley
Tags: nonfiction
being written inside us, so that we have the guarantee of being his people no matter what:
“This is the covenant I will establish
with the house of Israel
after that time, declares the Lord.
    I will put my laws in their minds
and write them on their hearts.
    I will be their God,
and they will be my people.”
    H EBREWS 8:10
    We glean some important insights from God’s own description of the New. God inscribes his laws on our minds and hearts. We become his people and have the privilege of knowing him personally. But the author of Hebrews actually misquotes the Old Testamentpassage here. How could he be so bold? And for what reason? He purposely changes the Old Testament rendition “my law” to “my laws” to clarify an important truth: Contrary to popular teaching, it’s not the law of Moses that is written on our hearts.
    It’s God’s laws.
    It’s not the law
of Moses that is
written on our
    These are expounded on by Jesus and the New Testament writers. These laws are called “the royal law” (James 2:8), “the law that gives freedom” (James 1:25; 2:12), and “[Jesus’] commands” (1 John 3:24). God’s commandments are to love him and to love each other (Mark 12:30-31). These aren’t burdensome. In fact, Jesus himself says that those who love him will obey his commands (John 14:15). Under the New, God has it rigged.
    If the Mosaic law were written on our hearts and minds, imagine the consequences! The dietary restrictions, the wardrobe regulations, and hundreds of other rules would overwhelm our consciences, just as they did the Israelites’.
    Thank God that the New isn’t just a dressed-up version of the Old!
    The New is different, and simple.

    I N 1998, MY FATHER WAS KILLED IN A CAR ACCIDENT . M Y FATHER was a loving husband, a successful businessman, and a great dad. His intellect was only rivaled by his sense of humor. He is greatly missed in our family.
    Imagine for a moment that you and I sit down to dinner, and I take the opportunity to break out the family album to show you photos of my dad. As I turn pages, point to photos, and tell stories about him, something unpredictable happens. By some miracle, my father suddenly walks through the door! Strangely, though, I keep pointing at photos and telling old stories. Even after I notice his arrival, I still seem to be occupied with the album.
    Some Christians
are fixated on the
law when it’s only
a shadow.
    Ridiculous, right? Why would I fixate on a two-dimensional photo of my father when the real thing is standing right in front of me?
    But in the same way, some Christians are fixated on the law when it’s only a shadow. The reality, we’re told, is found in the New.
    To look to the Old after learning of the New is like my returning to my dad’s photo album when he’s standing right there. I am caught up in something two-dimensional and lifeless, even as his living presence is with me.Here is God’s announcement about the superiority of the New: “The ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6).
    If the law were able to save, there’d be no reason for the New. The Old is old news. Something greater is now in effect, so why wouldn’t we hold fast to the New?
    “The Law is
not of faith”
(Galatians 3:12).
    Interestingly, even Old Testament believers were justified by faith alone, apart from the law. Does the law involve faith? No, the Bible clearly shows that “the Law is not of faith” (Galatians 3:12 NASB). After all, does it take faith to adhere to regulations and carry out religious tasks?
    Old Testament saints such as Abraham were made right because they put confidence in God and in a coming Messiah (Romans 4:13). Abraham lived long before the law, but he was declared righteous. So being right with God never had anything to do with the law.
    Imagine that you
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