The More I See

The More I See Read Online Free PDF

Book: The More I See Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Mondello
Tags: Romance
    Lyssa suspected part of Cody's problem wasn't Cody at all, but the way those around him treated him. Maybe Mike Gentry's disappearance on the ranch had nothing to do with him lying to the school, as Lyssa had suspected, but with being unable to watch his son falter.
    Regardless of the reason, Lyssa wouldn't contribute to it. She'd quietly speak to Isadore and the rest of the family to make sure they understood that as of right now, they had to treat Cody as a man who could stand on his own two feet. Because that was exactly what he was, even if he didn't believe it.
    She stood. "I'm tired of sitting around. Let's go for a walk, Cody."
    "I told you I'm not in the mood."
    "Then get in the mood. Anything is better than wasting away by the pool. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I'm getting bored with this game of yours and no matter what you say I know you are, too."
    "I apologize if I haven't shown you proper hospitality," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
    "Hospitality has nothing to do with it. You're being a coward."
    "Get away from me," he said, his voice lethal, causing her to inch back in her seat.
    She'd meant to get a charge out of him. Fight fire with fire. But instead, he seemed resigned with the fact that he was indeed a coward.
    Heroes weren't only strong, able-bodied people who could leap tall buildings with a single bound. They were everyday, flawed people who yelled at their kids and cried with a friend. People who made mistakes, got shoved down and stood right back up. People who did the impossible when it seemed impossible. Not because they weren't afraid, but because they didn't have it in them not to act even when they were afraid.
    Cody was that kind of hero. Lyssa could see it in him, even if he couldn't. She only had to listen to the stories from the people who worked on the ranch, hear the admiration for Cody in their voices, through their words, to know how much respect they all had for him. Cody just needed something to break him free from the anchor holding him down, something to show him that he could indeed be a hero and reclaim his life again. He needed a push.
    Her pushes weren't even making him sway.
    Lyssa turned away from the forlorn look on his face and immediately shielded her eyes from the sun's stinging glare on the surface of the pool water. Her skin was hot and it was only a matter of time before it would turn pink.
    She wouldn't sit there, and she refused to allow Cody one more minute wallowing in self-pity. Pushing up the sleeves of her shirt in a huff, she said, "I'll be more than happy to get away from you, Cody. But just answer me this. What ever happened to getting back on that horse when you've been bucked off? Huh?"
    "I fail to see how you can compare losing my eyesight with riding a horse."
    Not allowing her frustration to get the better of her, she began to pace to clear her head before she spoke.
    "It's the same thing. You've been thrown. I'll even give you that it was one hell of a fall.
    But the only logical thing to do is get up and go on."
    "Go for your walk, Lyssa," he said coolly.
    Her blood pounded in her head until she swore it would explode. The man was
    infuriating! She didn't care how depressed he was. He wouldn't even give it a try.
    She swung away from him, bunching her fists up to her side, needing to gather up her irritation and seal it tightly in a bottle before she could try to calmly reason with him.
    Blinded by frustration, she didn't calculate how close she was to the edge of the pool.
    With one step too many her bunched fists became outstretched wings as she tried to catch her balance. But it was too late, she was already going airborne. She took a deep breath before she plunged into the clear water.
    "Lyssa?" Cody sat in silence, almost relieved. No, he was irritated as all get out. He'd been waiting for her, much as he hadn't wanted to. He'd pushed her away and now that she'd taken off, he ... didn't really want her gone. What was it
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