painted blue. 'Why, that's my house!' cried Moominpappa, quite beside himself with joy. 'It must have floated here, and here it is!'
'Hurrah!' shouted the small creature, and then they all rushed down into the valley to admire the house.
The small creature even climbed up on the roof, and there he shouted even louder, for up on the chimney hung a necklace of real, large pearls that had lodged there during the flood.
'Now we are rich!' he cried. 'We can buy a car and an even bigger house!'
'No,' said Moominmamma. 'This house is the most beautiful one we shall ever have.'
And then she took Moomintroll by the hand and went into the sky-blue room. And there in the valley they spent the whole of their lives, apart from a few times when they left it and travelled for a change.
Document Outline
Rhonda Gibson, Winnie Griggs, Rachelle McCalla, Shannon Farrington