The Lover's Surrender (No Exceptions)

The Lover's Surrender (No Exceptions) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Lover's Surrender (No Exceptions) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.C. Reed
exactly one of
my virtues. In this instance, however, I was glad to let him do the work and
wallow in my gloomy thoughts instead.
the computer in front of him wired up, and the screen filled with numbers and
letters that moved so fast, I didn’t even try focusing on them.
    I jumped up
from the bed and leaned over his shoulder, suddenly nervous, suppressing the
urge to pace the room.
    What the
heck could one find about a person through a computer?
    I had
listened to Kenny’s recounts of his many illegal activities so many times that
I had no doubt if there was dirt buried in a yard, Kenny would stumble upon a
virtual picture of it.
always joked that no secret was safe from him. And I believed him. He always
knew what he had to do, extracting the most coveted secrets as if they were his
    That was
how we found out that my father had been blackmailed and that he had
transferred a large lump of money to save his reputation. If he could find out
my father’s secrets so easily, what could possibly stop Kenny from discovering
something that might just change my life…and not for the better?
    What if Brooke
had been seeing that Grayson guy for longer than I thought?
    What if he
was some ex she had failed to mention?
    Did I want
to know?
    I swallowed
the thick lump in my throat, and my expression hardened, my resolve
    “I’m in,”
Kenny whispered, drawing my attention back to him.
    My vision
focused on the screen. I expected to see images, videos…anything but a black
screen with countless strings of symbols, numbers, and letters.
    “Yeah? You
might want to translate that,” I muttered. Admitting that I had no idea what
the heck that was pissed me off.
chuckled, aware of my incompetence around computers.
    “What you
see is an indirect access to his main computer’s hardware. Logs, passwords,
photos, emails, hidden folders…you name it, I have access to all of those now.
I can basically monitor his every movement, if you want. Give me the word, and
I’ll even activate his computer’s webcam.” Kenny’s eyes were gleaming as he
shot me a sideways glance, and the enthusiasm in his voice was unmistakable.
This was his realm, and he made no secret of it. “I’ve developed a new program
that allows me to track every single letter he types on his computer and even
record anything he speaks while he’s in the same room. It’s still in its beta
stage, but it should work, seeing that his firewall is down.”
    At my
silence, he turned to face me, and his brows shot up questioningly.
    Thinking he
was waiting for some sort of acknowledgment, as usual, I nodded. “That sounds
continued to look at me, his finger hovering over the keyboard, and I realized
it wasn’t praise he was waiting for.
    “What the
hell are you waiting for?” I asked.
    “This is
very personal business, man. You could pay her a visit and ask her if she saw
someone today,” Kenny said softly. “There would be no need to sneak around and
invade her privacy.”
    He said it
as if he hadn’t done it countless times before.
    As if he
weren’t a hacker—paid to meddle in people’s personal affairs.
    Talk about
    “Come on.”
I laughed and raked a hand through my hair. “Are you lecturing me about privacy
now? Really?”
    “I’m just
saying you might not like what you find out and that it could jeopardize your
relationship. Once we’re in, it’ll be like an addiction and there will be no
way back. You can’t ‘undiscover.’ You can’t retrace your steps and say you
didn’t know about it. Eventually, it will spill out in a most unfortunate
moment and she’ll find out you snooped around.”
    “So?” I
frowned. “I don’t have a choice but to find out what she’s up to and what kind
of person she might be seeing. We’re talking about my child and my girlfriend
here. It’s my responsibility to know who she’s dealing with and what kind of
person he is.”
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