The Living Bible

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Book: The Living Bible Read Online Free PDF
Author: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers
Tags: BIBLES / Other Translations / Text
Angel of God called again to Abraham from heaven. 16  “I, the Lord, have sworn by myself that because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your beloved son from me, 17  I will bless you with incredible blessings and multiply your descendants into countless thousands and millions, like the stars above you in the sky, and like the sands along the seashore. They will conquer their enemies, 18  and your offspring * will be a blessing to all the nations of the earth—all because you have obeyed me.”
         19  So they returned to his young men and traveled home again to Beer-sheba.
         20-23  After this, a message arrived that Milcah, the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor, had borne him eight sons. Their names were: Uz, the oldest, Buz, the next oldest, Kemuel (father of Aram), Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, Bethuel (father of Rebekah).
         24  He also had four other children from his concubine, Reumah: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, Maacah.
    Genesis 23
    When Sarah was 127 years old, she died in Hebron in the land of Canaan; there Abraham mourned and wept for her. 3  Then, standing beside her body, he said to the men of Heth:
         4  “Here I am, a visitor in a foreign land, with no place to bury my wife. Please sell me a piece of ground for this purpose.”
         5-6  “Certainly,” the men replied, “for you are an honored prince of God among us; it will be a privilege to have you choose the finest of our sepulchres, so that you can bury her there.”
         7  Then Abraham bowed low before them and said, 8  “Since this is your feeling in the matter, be so kind as to ask Ephron, Zohar’s son, 9  to sell me the cave of Mach-pelah, down at the end of his field. I will of course pay the full price for it, whatever is publicly agreed upon, and it will become a permanent cemetery for my family.”
         10  Ephron was sitting there among the others, and now he spoke up, answering Abraham as the others listened, speaking publicly before all the citizens of the town: 11  “Sir,” he said to Abraham, “please listen to me. I will give you the cave and the field without any charge. Here in the presence of my people, I give it to you free. Go and bury your dead.”
         12  Abraham bowed again to the men of Heth, 13  and replied to Ephron, as all listened: “No, let me buy it from you. Let me pay the full price of the field, and then I will bury my dead.”
         14-15  “Well, the land is worth 400 pieces of silver,” Ephron said, “but what is that between friends? Go ahead and bury your dead.”
         16  So Abraham paid Ephron the price he had suggested—400 pieces of silver, as publicly agreed. 17-18  This is the land he bought: Ephron’s field at Mach-pelah, near Mamre, and the cave at the end of the field, and all the trees in the field. They became his permanent possession, by agreement in the presence of the men of Heth at the city gate. 19-20  So Abraham buried Sarah there, in the field and cave deeded to him by the men of Heth as a burial plot.
    Genesis 24
    Abraham was now a very old man, and God blessed him in every way. 2  One day Abraham said to his household administrator, who was his oldest servant,
         3  “Swear by Jehovah, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not let my son marry one of these local girls, these Canaanites. 4  Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife for him there.”
         5  “But suppose I can’t find a girl who will come so far from home?” the servant asked. “Then shall I take Isaac there, to live among your relatives?”
         6  “No!” Abraham warned. “Be careful that you don’t do that under any circumstance. 7  For the Lord God of heaven told me to leave that land and my people, and promised to give me and my children this land. He will send his angel on ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a girl from there to be my son’s wife. 8  But if
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