The Living Bible
 Go and get him and comfort him, for I will make a great nation from his descendants.”
         19  Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well; so she refilled the canteen and gave the lad a drink. 20-21  And God blessed the boy and he grew up in the wilderness of Paran, and became an expert archer. And his mother arranged a marriage for him with a girl from Egypt.
         22  About this time King Abimelech and Phicol, commander of his troops, came to Abraham and said to him, “It is evident that God helps you in everything you do; 23  swear to me by God’s name that you won’t defraud me or my son or my grandson, but that you will be on friendly terms with my country, as I have been toward you.”
         24  Abraham replied, “All right, I swear to it!” 25  Then Abraham complained to the king about a well the king’s servants had taken violently away from Abraham’s servants.
         26  “This is the first I’ve heard of it,” the king exclaimed, “and I have no idea who is responsible. Why didn’t you tell me before?”
         27  Then Abraham gave sheep and oxen to the king, as sacrifices to seal their pact.
         28-29  But when he took seven ewe lambs and set them off by themselves, the king inquired, “Why are you doing that?”
         30  And Abraham replied, “They are my gift to you as a public confirmation that this well is mine.”
         31  So from that time on the well was called Beer-sheba (“Well of the Oath”), because that was the place where they made their covenant. 32  Then King Abimelech and Phicol, commander of his army, returned home again. 33  And Abraham planted a tamarisk tree beside the well and prayed there to the Lord, calling upon the Eternal God. 34  And Abraham lived in the Philistine country for a long time.
    Genesis 22
    Later on, God tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. *
         “Abraham!” God called.
         “Yes, Lord?” he replied.
         2  “Take with you your only son—yes, Isaac whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I’ll point out to you!”
         3  The next morning Abraham got up early, chopped wood for a fire upon the altar, saddled his donkey, and took with him his son Isaac and two young men who were his servants, and started off to the place where God had told him to go. 4  On the third day of the journey Abraham saw the place in the distance.
         5  “Stay here with the donkey,” Abraham told the young men, “and the lad and I will travel yonder and worship, and then come right back.”
         6  Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering upon Isaac’s shoulders, while he himself carried the knife and the flint for striking a fire. So the two of them went on together.
         7  “Father,” Isaac asked, “we have the wood and the flint to make the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?”
         8  “God will see to it, my son,” Abraham replied. And they went on.
         9  When they arrived at the place where God had told Abraham to go, he built an altar and placed the wood in order, ready for the fire, and then tied Isaac and laid him on the altar over the wood. 10  And Abraham took the knife and lifted it up to plunge it into his son, to slay him.
         11  At that moment the Angel of God shouted to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”
         “Yes, Lord!” he answered.
         12  “Lay down the knife; don’t hurt the lad in any way,” the Angel said, “for I know that God is first in your life—you have not withheld even your beloved son from me.”
         13  Then Abraham noticed a ram caught by its horns in a bush. So he took the ram and sacrificed it, instead of his son, as a burnt offering on the altar. 14  Abraham named the place “Jehovah provides”—and it still goes by that name to this day.
         15  Then the
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