The Light Keeper's Legacy (A Chloe Ellefson Mystery)
rubbed her arms.
    “Rock Island isn’t always as tranquil as visitors expect.” Natalie stared over the lake. “Tim and I have paddled around here a lot. On calm days it’s very easy to underestimate the danger. I imagine more than a few people have drowned near Rock Island over the centuries.”
    Chloe tried to think of something uplifting to say. Nothing came. “I’m sorry I had to spoil your last evening on Rock,” she said finally.
    “Not your fault.” Tim shrugged and rummaged in a drybag. “Want a granola bar?”
    “Sure,” Chloe said instinctively. She wasn’t hungry, but she was in backpacker mode: never turn down food. “So, are you guys set to head out?”
    Natalie made a visible effort to shake off the willies. “Yeah. We’ve been out for three weeks, but we took the semester off. We want to visit a few more of the islands around here.”
    “Three weeks?” Chloe echoed wistfully. Now that she had a real job, three-week excursions were out of the question.
    By the time she’d crunched through the granola bar, Garrett Smith had the Ranger tied beside the dock. Chloe waved. “Good morning,” Garrett said as he approached. “I hope you all managed to get a good night’s sleep, with no nightmares.”
    “No nightmares,” Chloe said. “I dreamed about a child laughing, instead. I’m not sure where that came from, but it surely beats the alternative.”
    “We slept OK too,” Natalie reported. “We’re about to leave. There’s no reason we’d have to hang around, right?”
    “I can’t imagine why,” Garrett said.
    “Has the body been identified?” Tim asked.
    Garrett shook his head. “Not yet.”
    Chloe felt a little twitch beneath her ribs. Drowning was horrible enough. The fact that this young woman had somehow ended up naked and tangled in a fishnet, to be found by strangers, was even worse.
    After Natalie and Tim said their farewells, Garrett gestured toward the Karfi heading out from Jackson Harbor. “You’ll have guests while you’re here, Chloe. People have always hiked up to see the lighthouse, even though it’s been locked up tight. The furnishings plan is your first priority, but if you happen to be at the lighthouse when guests arrive, and if you’re willing, feel free to show them around and explain the restoration project. Encourage folks to join RISC.”
    “Glad to, on both counts.”
    “If you need anything, I’ll be in my office for most of the day.” He pointed to a small stone building with a spectacular view of the channel. If Ralph Petty does find a way to get rid of me, Chloe thought, perhaps I could work for the DNR.
    “Oh—one more thing,” Garrett said. “If you wander down the east side of the island, you may run into an archaeologist working at the site of an old fishing village. Brenda Noakes is from Escanaba College, in Michigan’s upper peninsula. She’s got her own boat, so she comes and goes.”
    “I’ll look for her.”
    Garrett rubbed the back of his neck. He seemed distracted by the Karfi , now arriving at the dock. A few day-hikers disembarked— a young dark-haired guy shouldering a huge camera bag, an overweight man and his overweight wife, two blonde women who looked like sisters. Garret put on a professional smile as he went to greet them. “Welcome! Anyone need a trail map?” The couple and the blondes accepted maps and headed toward the lighthouse.
    Garrett rejoined Chloe. “Back to the body,” he said. “The story will be in today’s papers, but I didn’t give your name. With luck, you won’t have any ghoul-minded sightseers wandering around.”
    “Sightseers?” Chloe twisted her mouth with distaste.
    “Most of our visitors come because they treasure the island experience—birders or photographers or lighthouse buffs who spend every vacation touring lighthouses—hey there!” Garrett flicked his public smile back on and approached the photographer, who’d ended up standing on the main trail looking bewildered.
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