to adventure side by side with him in the future? Would she no longer be able to show her strength in hand-to-hand combat?
Or, even worse, was she missing a part of her mind? What if the princess was no longer scientifically inclined? Finn liked the way she could solve a physics problem as if it was as easy as licking a lollipop. He liked it a lot! And he relied on her ability to speak other languages like German and Korean. How would she talk to Lady Rainicorn if she lost that ability?
Finn stopped himself and realised that he was speculating when he could find out the real truth by just listening to Nurse Poundcake.
‘I’m afraid there wasn’t enough gum to work with, so it appears Princess Bubblegum is now younger,’ said Nurse Poundcake.
The candy citizens were delightfully surprised when they saw the beautiful princess enter the room.
‘She’s thirteen years old now,’ Nurse Poundcake informed them.
‘Oh, dang it!’ the Ice King complained. ‘Well, I’m out of here. Good-bye, everyone.’
‘Thirteen years old?’ Finn asked. ‘That’s how old I am.’
Princess Bubblegum smiled at Finn as stars filled her amazing eyes. Finn smiled back at her and blushed.
‘Whooooaaa!’ Jake teased his best bud.
‘Give me a hug, hero,’ Princess Bubblegum said as she snuggled up to Finn.
Finn hugged the new and very much improved princess. Maybe the Lich hadn’t been so bad for the Land of Ooo after all!
The Lich
published in 2014
by Chirpy Bird, an imprint of Hardie Grant Egmont
Ground Floor, Building 1, 658 Church Street
Richmond, VIC 3121, Australia
This ebook is also available as a print edition in all good bookstores.
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are trademarks of and © Cartoon Network.
A TimeWarner Company.
All rights reserved. (s14)
A CiP record for this title is available from
the National Library of Australia.
eISBN 9781743582107
Text and design copyright © 2014 Hardie Grant Egmont
Design by Ash Oswald @ Hey There’s Me
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