The Lemon Book - Natural Recipes and Preparations
biscuits and finish off with the cream.
    Decorate with the lemon zest and keep in the fridge for at least two hours before serving.
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    A delicious and refreshing summery drink.
    3 or 4 good-quality lemons
    a large bunch of mint
    organic, sugar-free apple syrup
    Wash the lemons and cut them into 1cm-thick slices.
    Pile the slices into a glass carafe, alternating with sprigs of mint.
    Add cold, pure water in which a soup-spoonful of apple syrup has been diluted.
    Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, then enjoy!
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    This Italian-style digestive liqueur can be served throughout the year. My aunt's recipe:
    5 good-quality lemons
    500ml distilled alcohol
    500g sugar
    Peel the lemons with a peeler or zester, without removing the pith.
    Put the zest in a large glass jar, cover with alcohol and leave to macerate for a week. Shake the jar from time to time.
    Prepare sugar syrup: put 500g of sugar in half a litre of water, boil it up and turn off the heat when the syrup is transparent. Leave to cool.
    Strain the macerated alcohol, mix with the syrup, and it's ready!
    Alex's tip: Why not retrieve the zest, cut it into julienne strips and keep it in a small glass jar in the fridge for future cakes and desserts.
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    A sweet and creamy version of limoncello...
    5 good-quality lemons
    500ml distilled alcohol
    1kg sugar
    1l organic full UHT milk
    1 vanilla pod (or a few drops of organic vanilla extract)
    In the same way as for the limoncello, peel the lemons with a zester, without removing the pith.
    Put the zest in a large glass jar, cover with alcohol, close and leave to macerate for a week. Shake the bottle from time to time.
    In a saucepan, boil 1l of UHT milk with 1kg of sugar and a vanilla pod.
    When the sugar has completely dissolved, turn off the heat and leave to cool.
    Remove the vanilla pod, mix with the strained macerate and bottle.
    Keep refrigerated and serve cold.
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    In the eighteenth century, Casanova advised his lovers to place half a squeezed lemon inside their vagina. The acidic lemon juice was supposed to act as a spermicide and the half-lemon to act as a physical barrier to the spermatozoa... the ancestor of the modern diaphragm was born (warning, effectiveness not guaranteed!!).
    In Cuba, shamans stick pins in lemons while reciting magic formulas for their powerful love spells.
    Lemon juice can work as invisible ink: write with a quill on a sheet of paper, then warm the paper with the flame of a candle (but not too close) to see the writing appear.
    The only property lacking in lemons is any aphrodisiac power: according to popular tradition, the prospective husband should avoid drinking lemon juice on his wedding day. It was supposed to impair his sexual performance (which has yet to be proven...!).
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    Danièle Festy, Les huiles essentielles ça marche!, Leduc.s Editions, 2003
    Catia Trevisani, Curarsi con il cibo, AAM Terra Nuova, 2006
    F. Padrini, M.T. Lucheroni, Oli essenziali, De Vecchi Editore, 1998
    Gharagozloo M, Doroudchi M, Ghaderi A. Effects of Citrus aurantifolia concentrated extract on the spontaneous proliferation of MDA-MB-453 and RPMI-8866 tumor cell lines. Phytomedicine. 2002
    He FJ, Nowson CA, et al. Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables is related to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of cohort studies. J Hum Hypertens. 2007 

    Soerjomataram I, Oomen D, et al. Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables and future cancer incidence in selected European countries. Eur J Cancer. 2010

    Li WQ, Kuriyama S, et al. Citrus consumption and cancer incidence: the Ohsaki cohort study. Int.J.Cancer 2010

    Foschi R, Pelucchi C,
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