told her, but knew that everyone was listening. "Three girls with car trouble should be enough to give him time to get out, huh?"
“Maybe, but it’s risky, especially with your files on you.” Tink cautioned.
“I like my odds.” I shrugged standing upright.
"Don't break my fucking car, Chance," he growled, but even though I wasn't looking at him, I knew he was smiling by the tone of his voice.
"Heaven forbid," I chuckled, tugging Doc's shirt. "We have to do this right. Come on..."
We ran as quickly as we could to the car, and I unlocked it, popping the hood. I knew just enough about cars from Kristen to know what I could fiddle with and make it look like it wouldn't start, without actually breaking Adrian’s precious Dodge. One loose wire later, and we were three girls that were stuck with a broken down car.
I turned to look at the front of the building that we'd just come out of, the same one Adrian was now trapped in, and I could see the two security boy s one shining a light in the front window, and the other pulling out a set of keys.
I smiled at what Doc did next.
"Ummm... Excuse me," she called loudly, sounding like a vapid, helpless girl. "Can you help us?"
Two heads spun like they were on a swivel, and I snorted softly to myself, because from the look of their open mouthed stares, this was going to be all too easy.
"Oh Lord, we just made their day." Ross chuckled low.
One guy was skinny, with bad skin and a crooked smile. The other one was a little bigger and was sweating heavily through the armpits of his shirt.
Doc huffed a laugh, and then looked up at me. "This will be way too easy," she muttered under her breath as they came closer, mirroring my thought from just mere seconds before.
"Now’s your chance. At least get the fuck outside, okay?" I whispered in a rush, falling down into the driver's seat.
"Yes, ma'am," he grunted, and I could hear him running along the metal catwalk in the background.
"Ladies," the skinny boy crooned as he ogled the three of us. "What seems to be the problem?"
Now that the two young men were closer, we could see their name tags. One was O' Brady, and the other was Donaldson.
"We took a wrong turn. The car was acting funny, and now it won't even start," I huffed, pouting like a spoiled rich girl, which was the only way to do it, considering the type of car we were dealing with and the fact that the three of us looked younger than we actually were.
Adrian’s late model Dodge Charger was decked the fuck out. He got it when we bought our house and it had every bell and whistle known to the automotive industry. He went back and forth with Kristen for days trying to find what the best upgrades were. It was just one of the many, many things they had in common, they loved their cars.
"Well, let's see what we can do about that," the bigger boy, Donaldson, sighed, looking under the hood.
"I'm out, I'm out," he huffed in my ear, and a quick glance towards the back corner of the building confirmed it. "Battery cable?" he asked.
"Yeah, and he's about five seconds from finding it, so run to the end of the street, and we'll pick you up at the stop sign," I mumbled, looking up when Donaldson peeked around the hood.
"Try it now," he said, after fiddling with the very cable I'd just loosened.
The car rumbled to life smoothly, of course, and Donaldson closed the hood, dusting off his