The Krytos Trap

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Book: The Krytos Trap Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
Tags: Star Wars, X Wing, Rogue Squadron series, 6.5-13 ABY
brought Wedge up short. The notion of using the enemy to administer the territories of the new government struck him as wrong, but then he realized the Alliance military had always welcomed defectors from the other side into its ranks. Experience was enough to forgive past sins, especially when things were so critical. “You’re right, creating a government isn’t easy or pretty.”
    “But it’s what we have to do.”
    The logic of her argument was inescapable, but Wedge bristled at it and didn’t want to back down. “Perhaps resigning is something I have to do.”
    Leia shook her head. “No, no it’s not. You’re not going to resign, Wedge.”
    “Why not? The war’s over. There have to be a half-dozen fueling depots I could buy and operate here on Coruscant or back on Corellia.” He knew he was letting himself be a bit petulant, but to acquiesce seemed like abandoning Tycho. I won’t do that without sufficient reason .
    “You won’t resign, dear heart, because of the same sense of responsibility that makes you threaten to resign.” Leia smiled at him. “Cracken’s people have been doing more than looking into Tycho’s activities. Turns out that Warlord Zsinj hit a Thyferran bacta convoy and stole a fairly big shipment. An Ashern rebel was on the convoy and got word out to us about the location of the space platform where Zsinj has the convoy docked. The bacta will save a lot of people, but getting our operatives in and back out means someone very good is going to have to be flying cover for our strike. Rogue Squadron will be leading the way.”
    Wedge nodded. “Resign and doom millions, or stay and watch a friend be destroyed. Not much of a choice.”
    “Not so, my friend, it is indeed quite a choice. Not an easy one.”
    “Oh, the choice is easy, Leia, but living with the result will not be.” Wedge swallowed past the lump choking him. “You’ll let the Council know I’ve reconsidered my resignation.”
    “I’ll tell them that you meant the suggestion as a way to underscore your concern for Captain Celchu.” Leia nodded solemnly. “According to Cracken you’ll be briefed inside a week and then head out. May the Force be with you.”
    “I’ll save the Force for Tycho.” Wedge’s eyes became slits. “No matter what sort of reception Zsinj has for us, what Tycho’s going to face will be a million times worse.”

    The prison uniform Tycho Celchu had been given looked enough like a flightsuit that Wedge Antilles could almost imagine his friend being free again. The black jumpsuit had red sleeves and leggings that started at elbow and knee respectively. They also ended well shy of wrist and ankle so the fabric would not interfere with the operation of the binders Tycho wore.
    Wedge shuddered with anger and embarrassment. I will see you free again, my friend .
    Tycho looked up and smiled. A bit taller than Wedge, but with the same lithe build, Tycho was a handsome man whose blue eyes appeared brighter than Wedge would have thought possible. Tycho held his hands up in greeting to Wedge and Nawara Ven, and almost made it seem as if the binders were not hampering him. He waited patiently as a guard in a control room opened the transparisteel barrier separating him from the visitation center, then shuffled in past his escort.
    Wedge rose and started across the sparsely furnished white room, but Tycho’s guard brandished a Stokhli Spray Stick. “Keep away from the prisoner, Commander.”
    Wedge felt a hand on his left elbow and turned back toface the Twi’lek who had accompanied him to the detention center. “Commander, we’re not allowed physical contact with Tycho—no one is allowed to touch prisoners. It’s security.”
    Wedge frowned. “Right.”
    Nawara Ven skewered the guard with a pink-eyed stare. “You’ve done your duty here, now I require you to leave us alone with my client and my droid here.”
    The heavyset guard’s eyes narrowed, then he tapped the Stokhli Spray Stick
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