The King's Gold
ears, yelling, until Marco closed his fingers over my throat.
    “Gag—gaaaaa—” I wrenched his arm off me, biting his hand.
    He gave me a good, stunning slap. And then another.
    “Go. Go. Move!”
    I held my burning face in my hands. The car roared off through the darkening streets, as we sped toward the Long Beach Airport.
    The streetlights flickered in the windshield as we passed through Long Beach. We reached the airport terminal in twenty minutes. At the car park, an automated machine spit out a ticket; Domenico drove to the very last, nearly empty floor of the complex.
    “Let me go.” I still held Antonio Medici’s letter in my grabby hands. “Let me out of here.”
    I looked around to see a man walking away from his car in the parking garage. As I tried to scream, Marco wrapped himself around my upper body. Almost like a lover, he twined his arms tight about my neck, whispering in a hoarse voice: “Lola, you’ll understand what we’re doing if you just listen .”
    “I don’t talk to crazy, murdering—”
    “Crazy. That’s a little extreme.” He lightly bit my cheek, to further pacify me. “Though, I have been going through such a hard time these past two years.”
    “Oh, my Lord—”
    “Yes, after I flew out from France to Antigua for my father’s funeral I just…drank. Floated around in the pool, chugging brandy, crying about my papi . He was such a bastard. But I miss him. I loved him.” After a long, rough pause, he said in a calmer voice: “Everyone did. They were all—my father’s colleagues—telling me that I couldn’t let his death go unavenged. I was supposed to kill you and your family, understand. All very Greek tragedy. And well within my training, as a long time ago, the colonel taught me how to be an excellent assassin.”
    “I’ll bet.”
    “Oh, we had some jolly times in the war. But I was so depressed that I halfway didn’t give a fuck if you all rotted or not. Your mother, Juana, your ‘father,’ Manuel…your sister, the unhygienic Yolanda, who’s now living in the suburbs, I hear? And your fancy man, Erik. Because I had tried to run away from all this—violence. Killing. I went to Amsterdam, Paris, drank absinthe. Not that I exactly kept my hands clean in Europe, but I found that I no longer had my father’s knack for…taking care of problems. Lost the stomach for it.”
    “It’s easy, man,” Blasej said. “Try it out on her. She’ll be a pain in the airport—”
    “I don’t really think she wants to bring me out of retirement.” Marco brought his face closer to mine. “I did make a mistake, showing you who I was. I lost my temper.”
    “You’re kidnapping me!”
    “What I’m doing with you remains to be seen, doesn’t it?” He tweaked me on the nose, trying to smile. “Because I feel so very optimistic about your future. You see, I’m betting on you, Lola. I think you’re going to pay off. And I am a gambler, aren’t I, Blasej?”
    Blasej threw up his arms. “You always take the table at Carlo, man.”
    “Well, we’re back in Monte Carlo tonight. And I think I’ve got a winning hand.”
    “You can go f—” I blathered.
    “Oh, shut up,” he said fiercely. “And let me finish before you lose your ladylike manner. As I was saying, there I was, in Antigua, drunk, depressed—considering a pipe bomb for you or a shotgun for me. It was very bad. But then…something happened.”
    Marco knocked his head against mine again, waiting for me to guess.
    Grudgingly, I rustled the pages in my hand. “You found the letter.”
    “Yes. I met Mr. Soto-Relada and well—there it is in your hot little paws. I’ve spent the last year and a half trying to crack it. I did make some progress. But not enough. And that just won’t do. Because I need to . My father had a vision for the country, and if there is gold to be found, then, why, I can redeem myself. And finish his work—”
    “Your father’s vision,” I spat. “He was a
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