The King's Daughters

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Book: The King's Daughters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nathalie Mallet
Tags: Fantasy
and its customs were foreign to me, which could lead to embarrassing misunderstandings. Then again, I had already antagonized the king by arriving with a Farrellian escort. I couldn't do any worse now, could I?

Chapter Three
    The king's throne room was not only immense, it was cavernous. The three-story-high ceilings certainly added to this impression of grandeur. Yet despite its ample size, the room was so tightly packed with noblemen and dignitaries from all countries that it left one with very little space to move. It made for a suffocating atmosphere. Not to mention that the smell of unwashed bodies mixed with a myriad of different perfumes was almost unbearable. I tried not to think about it and concentrated on listening instead. At any given moment, I could hear at least five different languages being spoken at the same time. Sadly, I feared I was the main subject of all these conversations. For one, I had never been so stared at in my entire life. Every time I turned I could see eyes darting away. This rude staring made me regret having changed my emerald outfit of earlier in favor of this fancier one. I brushed a hand on the front of my kaftan—it was Eva's favorite. Pure white with gold embroidery, the ensemble had a matching turban adorned with a pearl brooch. Maybe I should have dressed differently, wore something less . . . attention grabbing. Then again, Milo's presence at my side certainly didn't help. He was attracting just as much attention as I was.
    "Milo, are the gifts ready."
    "Yes, my lord."
    "My lord," Milo whispered, "why are we waiting here, amidst all these people like this? Shouldn't my lord be waiting in another room instead, and only enter this one after having been formally announced and introduced?"
    "In Telfar, that is how introductions to the court are made. Here, obviously not."
    "In my opinion, this is highly improper."
    I agreed, yet said nothing. Trying to ignore the impolite scrutiny I was submitted to, I occupied myself by contemplating the room's meager decorations. There were a few fine tapestries on the walls. Most depicted hunting scenes. My eyes moved to the raised dais at the front of the room. Two huge thrones made of solid, gilded oak dominated its center, and slightly on the left was a cluster of seats.
    The sound of my name being whispered amid a conversation made me turn around fast. I looked about the room, seeking which guests might be talking about me. My gaze met Prince Diego's, who was standing nearby with a stunning young lady on his arm. I must say, I was surprised to see him with a woman—especially one as striking as she. Clad in a red velvet dress that made her pale, flawless skin look like polished alabaster, she was slender yet well formed. The plunging neckline of her dress, exposing the swell of her full breasts, confirmed this fact. Her facial features—small narrow nose, curvy pink lips, and large eyes—were delicate without being weak, which was often the case with such dainty bone structures. In her case, however, the effect was one of such perfect balance; it was a sight to make a painter cry. Her flaxen blond hair shone like the finest silk—an obvious sign of a recent washing. The shiny mane was artistically mounted atop her head and held in place with a tiny jewel pin. The aquamarine tip resembled a raindrop and was the same light blue as her eyes, which sparkled with intelligence. But what truly held my attention was her smile. Without a doubt, hers was the first real friendly smile I'd seen since I had entered this castle, and as a result I found myself smiling back at her. My eyes then settled on the two individuals standing a short distance from her.
    Startled by their savage appearances, I flinched. At first glance, they looked like wild beasts. This, I soon realized, was due to the fur caps covering their rough leather clothes, boots, fur-rimmed hats, and . . . chain mail.
    LORD! Those were barbarian warriors dressed for
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