The Invasion of Adam (Tork and Adam Book 2)

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Book: The Invasion of Adam (Tork and Adam Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Claire Davis
winking at Tork.
    “So, what’s occurring?” Adam asked, peering at Tork’s file. “Hey! How come that says ‘Adam keep your nosy self out’ on the front?”
    Mike swiftly pulled the papers away and glared.
    “That’s confidential, Adam. Tork hasn’t said if he wants you to be here. I just asked you in for a cup of tea.”
    “It’s OK, Mike. Adam can stay if he wants to,” Tork said quickly, seeing Adam’s hurt face. “Mike is helping me find my father. I haven’t seen him in a few years. I don’t know if I want to, but I wondered if he is still…alive.” They sounded such basic, flat words to him. Nothing changed in the room. The sounds of the shelter and the world went on, but as Tork spoke, an eruption began to happen in his body.
    Such basic, flat words, not enough to contain a volcano.
    All of a sudden, he felt like Adam and Mike were staring at him, seeing what had happened when all of Tork’s life started to go wrong. He saw all those letters piling up and heard the cruel words resounding around the walls.
    “Son?” Mike said softly. “Why don’t you sit down?”
    Adam looked at him, terrified, and Tork was once again sucked into that giant tube where there was no air and no help and no way out… no touching…no looking…don’t look at me…
    He watched himself flee the room, but there was no sound except the fuzzing in his head.

* * *
    little snow crocus
    tender yet bold, blossoms and
    lures the toiling bee
    * * *

Chapter Five
    He tried to convince himself that what he wanted to do was get drunk with his old mates and eat pizza, then fuck someone—one of the eager guys who kept texting him—and tell them not to hit their arse on the door as he threw them out after.
    But his old mates didn’t seem such fun anymore. They hadn’t for a while. That whole world seemed less real to him now than the shelter.
    Than Tork.
    What he wanted most was to not have two worlds so far apart he felt himself being stretched just to touch them both. There were days he dreamed about Tork visiting him in his college room, coming to the bar, but that was just a stupid dream.
    And here he was, standing on the tram to Shitsville again, being crowded by a horde of people.
    Every time the tram stopped, a wave of them pushed him further against the wall, compounding his bad temper.
    “Watch where you’re pushing,” he mumbled miserably at a kid who stuck her tongue out.
    He was coming to check on Tork—Mike’s orders. Of course the phone was switched off, and Citywise still hadn’t seen him, six hours after his hissy fit. Mike was looking around the town centre and libraries, but Adam knew where he’d probably be. He’d known all along, but truthfully he didn’t know if he wanted to find him.
    The tram stopped right in the middle of high-rise hell, and Adam slouched off moodily. He fucking hated that he was here, doing this. It smacked him in the mouth, reminding him that Tork was not ever going to be his. Adam did not belong here, and Tork did not belong in Adam’s world.
    And what do I say to Tork if I find him?
    Adam was hands down fuckshit at talking to boyfriends. Just couldn’t do it. He could talk about benefit claims and blankets at the shelter until he went blue…he could look gorgeous and make every guy—straight and gay—want him. That was easy. But as soon as guys started with the whinging and the feelings, he was off.
    Except with Tork, he wasn’t. Not so far. With Tork, Adam ached for the feelz. He wanted to hear them…breathe them…touch them.
    “Jeez,” he muttered in disgust, trying to find the right turning. He’d only been a few times before, right after Tork first moved into Citywise. Adam couldn’t be around him enough back then, wanted to spend every minute being near, but Mike told him he had to go slow with his visits, give Tork time.
    So he’d followed him, a couple of times, just to make sure Tork wasn’t seeing anyone else. Well, probably more
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