The Invasion of Adam (Tork and Adam Book 2)

The Invasion of Adam (Tork and Adam Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Invasion of Adam (Tork and Adam Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Claire Davis
“Right where are we at, Tork? Adam tells me you’re applying to college?”
    “I sent in the form just before the deadline, but I don’t know if I will be able to handle it, Mike. I would love to go, of course I would, but there are so many things to get used to again. Colleges are full of smart, confident young people. Adam keeps trying to get me to go with him, to show me where he studies, but I just can’t.”
    Mike nodded sympathetically. “You’re seeing the counsellor, though?”
    “Yes, every Tuesday.”
    “Is it helping, lad?”
    “I—I think so. I don’t know. Every Monday, I start thinking about it, and by Tuesday I decide I will not go. But, I always do.”
    “Oh, I expect it takes a while. You were on your own a long time out there. Anyone who’s been on the streets knows what happens to a person, what it takes from you. I remember looking at all the houses and thinking of them having dinner and talking. And you think you’ll always be that bloke looking in the window.”
    Once, Mike had told him that he was homeless too, a long time ago. The truth of his words made Tork wince.
    “Yes. I think I am better around people. As long as there is not a crowd. I might never be ready for that.”
    Mike nodded again and sipped his tea, waiting. Tork knew he would not push, but he had already discussed this with his therapist, so he went ahead, despite the gnarls in his stomach.
    “But I was not always like this. Did—did you find out anything, Mike?”
    “I did. Let me just get your file, and I’ll tell you. I usually have to go to the Salvation Army to track down missing relatives, but this time it wasn’t necessary.”
    As Tork waited, the chances of him fleeing before he had to find out got greater by the minute. The truth was, he missed the focus of the rules he had given himself to live by when he was homeless. Instinctively, his nails found the soft palms of his hands and began to dig.
    Every day he cut his nails, chopping off any chances of slipping back into self-harming. He could not control the galloping anxiety every time he left Citywise, but he did what he could.
    “Here we are. Looks like he moved house, but he was easy to find anyway.” Mike opened the file, his bushy white eyebrows scrunching as he read.
    “Wait. I—I don’t know if I can,” Tork whispered, wanting to know everything and nothing.
    “OK, son, stay calm. Why don’t we just have another cup of tea, and you can tell me about the course you want to study? You put the kettle on, and I’ll see if Adam wants to join us, eh? And don’t worry—getting in touch with relatives is never easy for anyone. Just because I have some information doesn’t mean you have to do anything about it.”
    Mike was right. Tork gratefully stood and filled the kettle, glad to have something to do. He could hear Adam’s animated voice getting louder.
    “Did you see it, Mike? I didn’t know they were so good.”
    “I saw it, son. There’re some real artists amongst them, yes. Sit down and have a cuppa with me and Tork. You can tell us all about it. Again.”
    Adam launched himself into the room. He was flushed and rumpled, with flecks of paint all down one side of his face and clothes.
    “Hey,” he said cheerfully to Tork, who held out the cup, not knowing if he was allowed to smile. They hadn’t been together yet in public, and he never knew with Adam what might cramp his style.
    Adam’s fingers brushed his as he took the cup, making the hairs at the back of Tork’s neck prickle. “Good morning, Adam. I saw you had the art class in the palm of your hand. Very innovative.”
    “You think so?” Adam’s face lit up. “At first I was like, no way am I getting on the table! But then, I thought how cool to have my silhouette up on a wall somewhere so people can look at me forever. My gift to the shelter.”
    A lot of the time, Tork could not tell if Adam was joking. Surely no one could be that vain.
    “Lucky us,” Mike chuckled,
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