completely empty except for the Russian armed guards. Bashir rushed his family through to the window to buy tickets. With Deni in his arms, he leaned into the clerk, “Two adults, and four children.” When the clerk handed him the tickets he lead them toward the gate.
“Train!” Deni yelled excitedly.
“Yes, we’re going on a big train ride,” said Bashir.
Kamiila scoffed as she followed behind with Mikail and her two girls.
Bashir was able to find a quiet compartment for his family and once everyone was settled, he sighed with relief. He shut the compartment door while they all settled. Everyone was exhausted, but far too worked up to sleep.
Seated on Mikail’s lap, Deni sat on his knees and looked out the window. As the train thrust forward, he watched the armed guards stationed along the platform with machine guns ready. He had seen them everywhere in the streets when his mother took him on shopping trips.
Deni sat back on Mikail’s lap and looked up at him. He put his arm around his shoulder and said, “It’s going to all right Mik.”
Mikail looked away from the window. He hugged Deni tightly and kissed his cheek. “Thanks.”
Deni woke up very late that night in his hospital bed. Everything was dark and there was a dead silence. He turned his head to the hospital window. It was even pitch black outside. As his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, he noticed a tall, black whispery figure approaching his hospital bed. His eyes widened as the shadow seemingly hung over his bed.
“Mik, is that you?” he asked.
The figure reached a whispery arm out toward his head. Deni felt something play with his hair and then he noticed the form of a hand nearing his chest. He gasped terrified. “Mik.” The shadow didn’t respond and Deni panicked, believing this was the moment of his own death. He was about to be taken away.
He didn’t notice his heart monitor going off the charts due to his panicking. The night nurse rushed in, but as she reached Deni, the shadowy figure calmed his anxiety and the heart monitor returned to normal. The figure suddenly disappeared.
“Everything okay?” the nurse asked knowing he was awake.
“Nightmare,” Deni said.
She said nothing and left the room.
Deni searched the room hard but the figure was gone.
Was it Mik, or was it another soul who unfortunately died in this room?
Does seeing such a spirit mean I am closer?
He couldn’t fall asleep until the sun rose the next morning.
Chapter 3
It was a long, boring day attached to tubes and wires. The hospital staff even denied him television, newspapers, or a book at the strict order of the Federal Authorities. Deni wasn’t allowed to know what was going on outside the hospital walls and he wasn’t allowed any mental stimulation.
I guess I’m supposed to lie here and think about what I’ve done
His attention was drawn out the window where a robin landed on a tree branch. He couldn’t make it out from where his bed was positioned but he believed there was a nest somewhere in the tree.
From the ground, nine-year-old Deni could see the robin fly in and out of the leafy foliage of the chestnut tree in the back of their Reading, Pennsylvania row home. He ran his fingers along the bark of the tree and found it suitable for scaling. Wrapping his body around the trunk, he thrust himself upward and was able to grab onto a branch, and from there it was easy. With the aid of the branches, he lifted himself up and carefully balanced from one branch to another until he came face-to-face with the robin’s
Tarah Scott and KyAnn Waters