The Improbable Theory of Ana and Zak

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Book: The Improbable Theory of Ana and Zak Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brian Katcher
indecisively over his button.
    The buzzer sounds, but it’s not Landon.
    â€œArgentina,” mumbles Zak, as if speaking from a dream.
    â€œCorrect. Which fictional character had an older brother named Mycroft?”
    C’mon, Clayton, you know this .
    â€œSherlock Holmes.” Zak again. Both tables turn and stare, like he’s a parrot that unexpectedly said something profound.
    â€œWhich Dutch painter . . .”
    â€œVincent van Gogh.”
    In less than half a minute, Duquette has tied the score. My hands leave sweaty prints on the desktop in front of me. I want to smile at him in an encouraging way, but his eyes are still half-closed.
    Down to the wire. Last question.
    â€œWhat is the largest Commonwealth nation in the world?”
    â€œAustralia!” shouts an opposing girl, without buzzing. She quickly hits her button and repeats her answer.
    Both teams turn toward Zak, like weathervanes in a windstorm. For a moment, I think he’s not going to answer. Then his thumb twitches like a vegetative patient’s.
    And the timer dings. Game over. We’ve won.
    Our table goes wild. Landon embraces Zak, whichstartles him fully awake. He’s even more shocked when Sonya plants a kiss on his cheek. Mrs. Brinkham rushes up and ruffles his hair.
    I slowly join them while the other team bitterly nods their congratulations as they leave.
    He did it. That loudmouthed slacker actually pulled it off. Saved everything. The game, the competition, our hope for victory.
    I stand next to Zak. Before I can thank him, Clayton steps between us.
    â€œGreat work, Duke.” He shakes Zak’s hand, while looking at him with an expression of childlike hero worship.
    Zak smiles back. He’s proud.
    And it’s then that I realize I cannot do it.
    I cannot congratulate this interloper, no matter how much he did for us.
    I know it’s immature. I know it’s petty. But Duquette is not a real member of this team. This is not his victory.
    And Clayton sure as heck is not his brother.

2:31 PM
    I have to admit, that was kind of cool. Me, jumping in at the last second, saving the day. Mrs. Brinkham all impressed. Sonya using it as an excuse to kiss me. If it had been any other weekend, it might have been a nice feeling.
    But this isn’t just any weekend, I reflect as we all make our way into the hotel lobby. In a few hours, I should be walking into the convention center. It is always an inspiring sight, seeing that sea of cosplayers in their finery. Everyone from A-ko to Mr. Zzyzzx. Some people work all year on their costumes. James said he was going to have something especially impressive this con. Too badI’ll only see it on Tumblr.
    Dad loved the whole freak show aspect of it. He was never much into fandom, but the couple of years that he took me, he really seemed to enjoy himself.
    Landon nudges me in the side. Mrs. Brinkham is speaking.
    â€œAll of you should be very proud of yourselves.” Is it my imagination or is she looking at me? She begins passing out room cards. “You’re on your own now. Make good choices. I’ll be by to say good night around ten. We’ll meet here in the lobby tomorrow at eight.”
    Suddenly, my depression fades away. We’re on our own? The center is only a half hour from here by bus. Quicker, if I want to spring for a taxi. I could actually be at Washingcon earlier than most years! Duck back here for check-in, sneak out for the night, drag my ass back in time for the morning meeting . . .
    â€œZakory? Do you have a moment?”
    Dang. Mrs. Brinkham. I force a smile.
    â€œZak, I just wanted to thank you for what you did today. You really impressed everyone.”
    â€œThanks. Well, see you tomorrow—”
    â€œHang on.” She touches my shoulder. “I mean that. You really did great. And I heard you talking about how you had other plans this
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