The Impatient Lord
oblivion. She saw no point in worrying about tomorrow when today was to be lived. “I have a plan. We arrive tomorrow with the other brides. We blend in so we can be assured of getting off this ship without any incident. From what I gathered, we get off the ship, are presented before the potential husbands, attend a party, eat, drink, be merry, and maybe get a little happy-happy with the locals if they’re cute.”
    “ I am not getting a little happy-happy or anything else with the locals,” Aeron swore.
    “ Suit yourself. I hear they’re sexy.” Riona shrugged. “If you change your mind, I’ve got an extra set of transmitters.”
    “ You actually think the primitive people are going to want to use transmitters to exchange pleasure essences?” Aeron laughed, the sound mocking and a little bitter. Riona stiffened. “Seriously, Ri? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but universal men tend to want the real thing. You might get someone to try it out of mere curiosity, but do you really think when they find out what our heritage is they’re going to want spend the night with either of us? We don’t react like normal women. The only men in the galaxies who understood that little fact exploded.”
    “ So you haven’t…” Riona asked.
    “ And start the clock ticking? I think not. I haven’t met anyone worth dying for.”
    “ Well—” Riona swallowed, uncomfortable with the course of the conversation, “—I haven’t either and I’m not going to. Not until I collect on those fifty-thousand space credits I figure you owe me.”
    “ What? ”
    “ It’s your fault I lost that match. Now I can’t go back to Torgan, or half the other haunts I enjoy, for a very long time. Range will be sure to tell everyone I reneged on our bet.”
    “ Would you stop blaming me for your gambling?” Aeron snorted in disgust.
    “ I didn’t ask you to come to Torgan. You did that on your own. You came to me.” Riona glared at her sister. This is why they didn’t talk. Every conversation seemed to detonate a full-blown fight.
    “ I told you I’m trying to save a planet,” Aeron said. “I’m sorry if I think that’s slightly more important than your game.”
    Unable to stay upright, Riona lay back on the bed and stared at the metal ceiling. The weld lines blurred in a drunken haze. “You know, I don’t even think you’ve thanked me for getting you on this ship. All you’ve done is complain the whole ride.”
    “ I will not let what happened to our home world happen to the people of Qurilixen.” Aeron must have realized Riona’s irritation over the mention of their home world, because she instantly lightened her tone. “This isn’t just about our childhood home. This is about a planet that needs saving. If the Tyoe succeed in their plans, they will kill everyone over mining rights. I can’t let the Draig race become exterminated when I can try to stop it.”
    “ We,” Riona stated, still studying the ceiling grates. “ We will not let it happen. Listen, we go, we smile, we pretend to consider our options, we drink, we dance or whatever it is these Draigs do for fun, and then you do what you have to and we leave. If something unexpected happens, we deal with it. There is the plan. Simple and easy to remember. I’m sure if you ask around, you’ll find whoever is in charge of the mines. Just don’t be late getting back to the ship in the morning. All the unchosen brides are guaranteed a ride back and we don’t have the money to pay for another way offworld. I’ll meet you here and we’ll slip away as soon as the boat docks somewhere inhabitable and I’ll get to work deleting our contracts out of the Galaxy Brides system. It will be as if this never happened.”
    Silence answered her, but Riona didn ’t open her eyes to look. A long moment passed. She imagined Aeron glaring at her, ready to explode. Instead, the door slid open. Quietly, Aeron said, “Thank you, Ri.”
    Riona looked over in surprise, just
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