The Huntress: full-length sexy romantic suspense

The Huntress: full-length sexy romantic suspense Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Huntress: full-length sexy romantic suspense Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dorothy McFalls
Tags: romantic suspense
ceiling. This new bachelor her mom had selected had taken one look at Vega and just about licked his lips. The conversation revolved around his life as a doctor at a private clinic and his opinions on everything, all of which bored Vega down to the soles of her feet…until he started to talk about self-defense. He’d recent begun taking classes and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Finally, a topic of common interest. She had agreed heartily and explained how invaluable her lessons had been to her when bounty hunting.
    The room slammed into an uncomfortable silence. Her mother’s newest candidate for Vega’s future husband snapped his gapping mouth closed. She’d clearly shocked him.
    Vega and the renowned doctor fit together like two ill-matched puzzle pieces.
    She stared at the ceiling for several more minutes before dragging herself back up to check her phone messages. Snitch had called twice. First to report she’d retrieved Grayson Walker’s file, and then to report that she’d retrieved the files on the team who’d served with him.
    Vega flipped on her computer and pulled up her email. Sure enough, the files Snitch had promised were sitting in her inbox waiting to be read. It took the rest of the night for her to absorb every word.
    The files cracked open Grayson’s past, but gave nothing of what Grayson or his buddies had done during their years in the army. With a little additional computer work, she put together a long list of family and neighbors from Grayson’s childhood—all possible sources. Within a few days, she would know every detail, including Grayson’s favorite color. As the first rays of light streamed through her window, Vega leaned back in her chair, grinning. She felt damned full of herself.
    “Gotcha!” she said.

Chapter Three
    Her trail ended here.
    The bar’s crumbling concrete block walls were in dire need of a fresh paint job. A handful of cars, beaten and dirty, were parked in the crumbly asphalt lot. For over a week, Vega had pounded on nearly every door between Atlanta and this backwater, salty area in the low-country of South Carolina. She was searching for Tommy Fisher, the man Grayson Walker would most likely run to. Fisher owned the bar. It was a far cry from the expensive glass and steel tower her quarry had used to house his Six-Star Enterprises.
    She pushed open the door to the Broken Cricket, a seedy bar stinking of sour alcohol and sweat, and stepped into the dark interior with a cautious gait. She zipped up her leather jacket despite the pit’s heat, not wanting any uninvited eyes to take too much notice of her and her tight t-shirt.
    Not when she had a job to do.
    She let her gaze roam the darkened interior of the joint as she quickly made her way to the bar, peeling her boots from the sticky floor with each step.
    Damn, this was not at all what she’d expected. Perhaps she was in the wrong place. Grayson, according to her research, would not willingly subject himself to such a hellhole.
    “Give me whatever’s on tap,” she said to the burly bartender whose shifting gaze had followed her from the moment she stepped into the bar. She slid a couple of dollars across the wooden bar top that probably had never been cleaned.
    “You a cop?” the bartender asked, staring wide-eyed at her money.
    She leaned over the bar, inwardly wincing at the thought of smearing the filth from it onto her favorite leather jacket. “Does it matter?” she asked.
    “Not to me.” He pulled a glass from a shelf.
    There was a large baseball bat hanging on that wall. She doubted the man was a sports fan.
    “Might matter to some of these guys, though,” he said as he filled a mug with frothy beer. “If’n you’re not a cop, I hope you carry a gun just the same. Wouldn’t trust a man in here with a woman as clean as you. Ain’t a pleasant place, you see.”
    “Thanks for the warning.” She took a deep drink of the beer, pretending not to notice the smudges of dirt on the glass.
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