The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights

The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights Read Online Free PDF
Author: Josie Brown
way to cripple the U.S. economy is an act of bioterrorism, which has the potential to cause mass hysteria—in this case, deaths in the millions, coupled with a possible collapse of the economy. It’s not the first time such an act has been considered. The Russians have been working on an Ebola bioweapon at least since the mid-seventies. But this is just as dangerous, if not more so. Even if the victim is isolated, there is no medical cure.”  
    “The Chinese must have coded the killer seed so that it can also track its food production and distribution. Emma’s team is looking for clues of this in the postcards just in case we can’t find the seeds before they leave SeedPlenish.” As that sinks in, Ryan shrugs. “Maybe it’s time that we break for lunch. Let’s meet back here in forty-five minutes for a strategy session.”
    As we gather our things, Dominic hands out envelopes. “Invitations to my garden party,” he proclaims. “It should be rather spiffing! The usual: tea and cakes—and p’raps something with a little more kick on the side.” He winks broadly at Jack.
    “Dash it! We’ll be out of town that weekend,” I murmur sweetly.
    His eyes narrow suspiciously. “Poppycock! How would you know that, since you’ve yet to open it and read the date?”
    Ouch! Caught red-handed. Processing…Processing…
    Before I can finagle my foot even deeper into my mouth, Ryan shouts, “Craig and Stone—now!”  
    Jack jerks me in the direction of Ryan’s office.  
    Ryan waits until we close the door before stating, “Of course, I had to report our findings to POTUS. Obviously, he asks that we update him and Homeland Security on our mission. If we fail and it gets out into the food supply, its destruction will be nearly impossible to stop, and a public announcement will have to be made immediately.” Hesitantly, Ryan adds, “POTUS asks that we provide him with mission updates, in live time. Donna, you can be his point person.”
    Before I can pass on the honor—something I feel I should do, especially since Jack is our mission leader—Ryan’s phone rings. He picks it up, scowls, and waves us out the door.
    Jack frowns, for good reason. Our opinions differ greatly regarding President Lee Chiffray.  
    Jack feels we can’t trust him. He is also very aware that Lee is attracted to me.
    Okay, perfectly understandable. Then again, I don’t trust the First Lady, Babette Breck Chiffray—and not just because she flirts with Jack every chance she gets.
    Time to change the subject to something more pleasant. “Want to go out and grab a sandwich?”
    “Not really, especially not after what I just heard,” Jack mutters.  
    “Me neither,” I admit. “So, how do we kill our lunch time?”  
    He points to the BMW lot, across the street. “What say we pick out another family-friendly car?”
    I feel my jaw dropping. “You mean, you’re parting ways with the Jackmobile?”  
    He shrugs. “We’ve got a growing family. On carpool mornings, squeezing three of us into the Lamborghini isn’t exactly fun—at least, not for me. However, Mary and Evan don’t seem to mind being jostled into such close quarters.”
    That’s all he has to say to convince me. I grab his hand and lead him toward the door. “Think we can do it in less than an hour?”  
    “I don’t know, but I’d like to give it a try. We need to be normal, if only for an hour.” His smile fades. “Well, I do, anyway.”
    I take his hand to lead him out the door. He’s right. If only for an hour, it would be nice to forget that the future of the whole human race depends on us.

    “I’m telling Ryan that I don’t feel comfortable being the point person with Lee.” No better time to broach the subject than while Jack has a broad smile on his face, like he does now, as we test-drive a shiny black BMW i8.  
    I don’t think the car salesman thought Jack was serious when he told him we were taking a spin up the Pacific Coast Highway. But
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