The Holocaust Industry

The Holocaust Industry Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Holocaust Industry Read Online Free PDF
Author: Norman Finkelstein
Tags: History, Holocaust
    crown of that success. Just as many Jews kept Israel at arm's length when it constituted a liability and
    became born-again Zionists when it constituted an asset, so they kept their ethnic identity at arm's
    length when it constituted a liability and became born-again Jews when it constituted an asset.
    Indeed, the secular success story of American Jewry validated a core - perhaps the sole - tenet of their
    newly acquired identity as Jews. Who could any longer dispute that Jews were a "chosen" peopled In
    A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today, Charles Silberman - himself a born-again
    Jew — typically gushes: "Jews would have been less than human had they eschewed any notion of
    superiority altogether," and "it is extraordinarily difficult for American Jews to expunge the sense of
    superiority altogether, however much they may try to suppress it." What an American Jewish child
    inherits, according to novelist Philip Roth, is "no body of law, no body of learning and no language,
    and finally, no Lord . . . but a kind of psychology: and the psychology can be translated in three
    words: 'Jews are better."' 49 As will be seen presently, The Holocaust was the negative version of their
    vaunted worldly success: it served to validate Jewish chosenness.
    By the 1970s, anti-Semitism was no longer a salient feature of American life. Nonetheless, Jewish
    leaders started sounding alarm bells that American Jewry was threatened by a virulent "new
    anti-Semitism." 50 The main exhibits of a prominent ADL study ("for those who have died because
    they were Jews") included the Broadway show Jesus Christ Superstar and a counterculture tabloid
    that "portrayed Kissinger as a fawning sycophant, coward, bully, flatterer, tyrant, social climber, evil
    manipulator, insecure snob, unprincipled seeker after power" - in the event, an understatement. 51
    For organized American Jewry, this contrived hysteria over a new anti-Semitism served multiple
    purposes. It boosted Israel's stock as the refuge of last resort if and when American Jews needed one.
    Moreover, the fund-raising appeals of Jewish organizations purportedly combating anti-Semitism fell
    on more receptive ears. "The anti-Semite is in the unhappy position," Sartre once observed, "of having
    The Holocaust Industry: CAPITALIZING THE HOLOCAUST (9 of 15) [23/11/2000 15:47:06]
    a vital need for the very enemy he wishes to destroy." 52 For these Jewish organizations the reverse is
    equally true. With anti-Semitism in short supply, a cutthroat rivalry between major Jewish "defense»
    organizations - in particular, the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center - has erupted in recent
    years. 53 In the matter of fund-raising, incidentally, the alleged threats confronting Israel serve a
    similar purpose. Returning from a trip to the United States, the respected Israeli journalist Danny
    Rubinstein reported: "According to most of the people in the Jewish establishment the important thing
    is to stress again and again the external dangers that face Israel.... The Jewish establishment in
    America needs Israel only as a victim of cruel Arab attack. For such an Israel one can get support,
    donors, money.... Everybody knows the official tally of the contributions collected in the United
    Jewish Appeal in America, where the name of Israel is used and about half of the sum goes not to
    Israel but to the Jewish institutions in America. Is there a greater cynicism?" As we will see, the
    Holocaust industry's exploitation of "needy Holocaust victims" is the latest and, arguably, ugliest
    manifestation of this cynicism. 54
    The main ulterior motive for sounding the anti-Semitism alarm bells, however, lay elsewhere. As
    American Jews enjoyed greater secular success, they moved steadily to the right politically. Although
    still left-of-center on cultural questions such as sexual morality and abortion, Jews grew increasingly
    conservative on
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