The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eugene Ehrlich
Tags: General, Reference, Dictionaries, Language Arts & Disciplines
    Related words: benignancy noun , benignantly adverb .
    besom (BEE-z e m) noun
    a broom, especially one made of twigs or brush.
    besot (bi-SOT) verb
    1. stupefy or intoxicate, usually with drink.
    2. obsess, infatuate.
    bête noire ( BAYT NWAHR), plural bêtes noires ( BAYT NWAHRZ)
    a person or thing strongly disliked or dreaded; a bane.
    betide (bi-T I D) verb
    1. happen to (someone); befall.
    2. come to pass; happen.
    bhang (bang) noun
    a narcotic and intoxicant prepared from the leaves of the Indian hemp plant.
    bibelot (BIB-loh) noun, plural bibelots (BIB-lohz)
    a small curio or artistic trinket.
    bibulous (BIB-y e -l e s) adjective
    addicted to or fond of drink.
    Related words: bibulously adverb , bibulousness and bibulosity ( BIB -y e -LOS-i-tee) both nouns .
    bifurcate (B I -f e r- KAYT ) verb
    fork, divide into two branches.
    Related words: bifurcate (B I -f e r-kit) adjective , bifurcately ( B I -f e r-KAYT-lee) adverb , bifurcation ( B I -f e r-KAY-sh e n) noun .
    billingsgate (BIL-ingz- GAYT ) noun
    coarsely abusive language.
    biota (b I -OH-t e ) noun
    the plant and animal life of a region.
    blandish (BLAN-dish) verb
    coax or influence by gentle flattery; cajole.
    Related words: blandisher and blandishment both nouns , blandishingly adverb .
    blatant (BLAYT- e nt) adjective
    1. brazenly obvious; flagrant.
    2. obtrusive, tastelessly conspicuous.
    Related words: blatantly adjective , blatancy noun .
    blather (BLA TH - e r) noun
    foolish loquacious talk.
    Related words: blather verb , blatherer noun .
    blatherskite (BLA TH - e r- SK I T ) noun
    1. a person given to blathering.
    2. blather; nonsense.
    blench (blench) verb
    1. draw back or flinch from; quail.
    2. turn pale.
    Related words: blencher noun , blenchingly adverb .
    blithe (bl I th ) adjective
    1. merry, joyous, cheerful.
    2. carefree, heedless; without thought or regard.
    Related words: blitheful adjective , blithefully and blithely both adverbs , blitheness noun .
    blithesome (BL I TH -s e m) adjective
    Related words: blithesomely adverb , blithesomeness noun .
    bloc (blok) noun
    a group of persons, legislators, nations etc. united for a purpose.
    Do not confuse bloc with block , which has many meanings, but not that of bloc .
    bolus (BOH-l e s) noun, plural boluses
    1. a large medicinal pill.
    2. a roundish mass, especially a mass of chewed food.
    boniface (BON- e - FAYS ) noun
    an innkeeper or hotelkeeper.
    bootless (BOOT-lis) adjective
    1. unavailing, useless.
    2. without result or gain.
    Related words: bootlessly adverb , bootlessness noun .
    boscage (BOS-kij) noun , also given as boskage
    1. a mass of trees or shrubs.
    2. sylvan scenery.
    bosomy (BUUZ- e -mee) adjective
    of a woman, having a prominent bosom.
    bourse (boors) noun
    a stock exchange, especially one located in France and certain other European countries.
    bowdlerize (BOHD-l e - R I Z ) verb
    remove passages considered objectionable or vulgar from (a book etc.); expurgate.
    Related words: bowdlerism (BOHD-l e r-iz- e m), bowdlerization ( BOHD -l e r-i-ZAY-sh e n), and bowdlerizer (BOHD-l e r- I Z - e r) all nouns .
    brachylogy (br e -KIL- e -jee) noun, plural brachylogies
    1. conciseness or overconciseness of expression.
    2. a concise or succinct expression.
    braggadocio ( BRAG - e -DOH-shee-oh) noun, plural braggadocios
    1. bragging, empty boasting.
    2. a braggart, a boasting person.
    Related word: braggadocian ( BRAG - e -DOH-shee- e n) adjective
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