The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eugene Ehrlich
Tags: General, Reference, Dictionaries, Language Arts & Disciplines
e -VUR-zh e n) noun
    1. a strong feeling of dislike or antipathy.
    2. an object or cause of strong dislike.
    3. a person strongly disliked.
    Related words: aversive ( e -VUR-siv) adjective , aversively adverb , aversiveness noun .
    avidity ( e -VID-i-tee) noun
    1. eagerness, dedication, enthusiasm.
    2. greediness.
    Related words: avid (AV-id) adjective , avidly adverb , avidness noun .
    avuncular ( e -VUNG-ky e -l e r) adjective
    of or pertaining to an uncle.
    Related words: avuncularity ( e - VUNG -ky e -LAR- e -tee) noun , avuncularly ( e -VUNG-ky e -l e r-lee) adverb .


    badinage ( BAD - e -NAHZH) noun
    banter, humorous ridicule.
    bagatelle ( BAG - e -TEL) noun
    1. a trifle, something of little value; formerly a game resembling pinball.
    2. in music, a brief, unpretentious composition, usually for piano.
    bagnio (BAN-yoh) noun, plural bagnios
    1. a brothel.
    2. in some European countries, a bath house.
    baksheesh (BAK-sheesh) noun
    in the Near East and Middle East, a tip or gratuity; alms.
    baleful (BAYL-f e l) adjective
    1. destructive, malignant.
    2. full of menacing influences.
    Related words: balefully adverb , balefulness noun .
    banal (b e -NAL) adjective
    devoid of freshness, commonplace, trite.
    Related words: banality (b e -NAL-i-tee) noun , banally (b e -NAL-ee) adverb .
    baneful (BAYN-f e l) adjective
    poisonous, deadly; pernicious.
    Related words: banefully adverb , banefulness noun .
    barbarism (BAHR-b e - RIZ - e m) noun
    1. a word or phrase not in accordance with normal standards; the use of such a word.
    2. an uncivilized state or condition.
    3. an instance of this.
    4. a barbarous act.
    barratry (BAR- e -tree) noun
    1. in law, the offense of frequently stirring up lawsuits and quarrels.
    2. in maritime law, fraud or gross criminal negligence by a captain or crew at the expense of a shipowner or of the owner of a ship's cargo.
    Related words: barratrous (BAR- e -tr e s) adjective , barratrously adverb .
    basilisk (BAS- e -lisk) noun
    1. in mythology, a reptile with lethal breath or look.
    2. a small tropical American lizard.
    Related words: basiliscine ( BAS - e -LIS-in) and basiliscan ( BAS - e -LIS-k e n) both adjectives .
    bastille (ba-STEEL) noun
    1. a fortress or prison, especially one that mistreats its convicts.
    2. a fortified tower, as of a castle.
    bastinado ( BAS -t e -NAH-doh) noun, plural bastinadoes
    punishment or torture by beating on the soles of the feet.
    bathos (BAY-thos) noun
    1. in speech or writing, a ludicrous descent from the sublime to the commonplace; an anticlimax.
    2. sentimentality, mawkishness.
    Related word: bathetic (b e -THET-ik) adjective .
    bawd (bawd) noun
    1. a procuress.
    2. a prostitute.
    beau monde (boh mawnd)
    fashionable society.
    behest (bi-HEST) noun
    1. a command.
    2. a strongly worded request.
    belfry (BEL-free) noun, plural belfries
    a bell tower, attached to a church or other structure or standing alone.
    belvedere (BEL-vi- DEER ) noun
    a building designed to afford a fine view.
    bemuse (bi-MYOOZ) verb
    bewilder or befuddle (someone); stupefy.
    Related word: bemusement noun .
    beneficent (b e -NEF- e -s e nt) adjective
    1. doing good, showing kindness.
    2. charitable.
    Related words: beneficently adverb , beneficence noun .
    benighted (bi-N I -tid) adjective
    unenlightened, ignorant.
    Related words: benightedly adverb , benightedness noun .
    benignant (bi-NIG-n e nt) adjective
    1. kind, especially to subordinates or inferiors.
    2. beneficial,
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