The Haunting

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Book: The Haunting Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Garcia
ends of a black leather couch. A young man not more than twenty years old and a woman with shoulder length curly red hair. Freckles adorned her pale skin and her face looked sullen. She was a beautiful woman and Kelly wondered what would make such a beautiful woman look so defeated.
        If this was to be her competition then this was going to be the easiest money Kelly ever made. When she walked into the room everyone turned in her direction. She decided now was a good time to start intimidating them and to let them know her confidence would not be wavered. "What? Can, I help you?" Her eyes focused hard on each of them. Her idea must have worked, no one said a word and their glares faltered.   
        Kelly took a seat in the back of the room and realized there was one person missing. Over the phone the producer had said there would be six people staying in the house. Counting herself there was only five here so far. She guessed the last person would arrive shortly. Whoever it was didn't matter to her in the slightest. No one was going to win that money but her.    
        Twenty minutes had passed before the secretary came into the room to let them know the producer would be starting the group interview. When the woman turned to leave the last contestant walked through the door. Their eyes locked, both equally shocked to see the other. Great. Just fucking great . There’s no way she could intimidate him.  
        The receptionist was practically drooling all over him. She flashed a smile, tilted her head to the side, and flipped her straight blonde over her shoulder.  She apologized for her clumsiness while she ran her long manicured fingers across the fire tattoo on his arm. What a pathetic excuse for a woman she was. Kelly was irritated with this woman and the way she threw herself at him. But, why would she even care in the first place?  
        Then she remembered how it felt to sit on his lap. Heat rose to her cheeks and she wanted to throttle the woman who was making an ass of herself. Kelly had never felt like she wanted to hurt someone before, until now. What was so special about this insignificant woman that bothered her so much? Was this what jealousy felt like? Couldn't be. Why should she be jealous? He wasn't her boyfriend. He wasn't even her friend.  
        She thought they might have been for a moment when he apologized to her, but he quickly became the cold person she’d bumped into before boarding the bus on the way over here. What the hell was that about anyway? Had she said something wrong? No, it wasn't her. It was him. H e was the one acting like someone with a multiple personality disorder. Why she forgave him for what he did she didn't know. One thing she was positive about, he wasn't going to scare her out of winning that money.  
        The scene playing out in front of her suddenly took an amusing turn when Jace gave that receptionist the same look he had given her when she bumped into him at the bus terminal. That ice cold stare would make anyone feel like a tiny bug waiting to be squished by his enormous foot.   
         With that analogy in her mind she looked at his feet. He did have really big feet. She wondered if the saying about men who had big feet were true. You know, big feet, big below the waist. Jeez , why couldn't she keep her mind out of the gutter when it came to him? He wasn’t her type at all. She hated cocky guys. They were so full of themselves. Oh hell, what did she know about her type?  Of all the men that came into the club not a single one was her type. The men Tina set her up with weren't her type either. She was starting to think she would never find Mr. Right.  
        One thing was for sure. Jace was definitely not the man for her. The receptionist must have come to that same conclusion because she left the room in a huff. Kelly felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing he didn't give the time of day to that little tart.    
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