The Hairdresser Diaries

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Book: The Hairdresser Diaries Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessica Miller
act like you don’t care.”
    “Whatever, just go!” I pointed the way through the crowd to interrupt her.
    We continued our way around to the other side of the bar and out to the patio. A bunch of people were coming in from outside so we had to stop to let them pass. I felt like someone was staring at me. I took a quick glance to the side and noticed the guy from across the bar, looking over his shoulder at me. Seriously it is annoying, not to mention creepy, when a guy stares at you all night and never bothers to talk to you. Seriously guys, the best way to get a girls attention is buy her a drink and introduce yourself.
    Simple, easy, honest. Most girls never refuse free booze, I know my friends don’t.
    We found Jessie, Kelly, and Nate sitting at a table outside with some of our other friends so we joined them. The shot girl made her way over to our table. She was able to empty her entire tray of shots on my friends. Did I mention my friends like to drink…a lot?
    I decided I had enough for the night and left my shots for my friends to finish. For some reason they didn’t argue with me tonight to keep drinking and I was glad. The night seemed to cool off a little bit. It felt nice outside so we decided to sit here for a while, instead of inside the hot club. I loved nights like this. The way the cool summer breeze felt against your skin, the hint of freshness in the air, and the sound of happy people all around you. The more we sat outside the less I wanted to go back in. I knew eventually I would I have to. Our drinks were getting low and it was my turn to get the next round.
    Before I got up to go get our drinks, I saw Logan over in the corner. We exchanged subtle glances, as we always did. With a sigh, I was about to get up when, “Ow! Why did you kick me?” I asked Peyton.
    Before she could answer I looked up and saw why. There he was. The guy from across the bar was making his way over to our table.
    “Hi, I’m Cole,” he said as he extended his hand out to me with a smile that would make anyone melt. I was a sucker for a guy with a great smile.
    I hesitated for a second. Debating whether or not I wanted to tell him my real name. Normally, for guys I wasn’t interested in, I would use a fake name, but something about his eyes. They were captivating. They say the eyes are a window to a person’s soul.
    Intrigued, I put my guard down just a little. I figured, what the hell, I’d never see him again since I was a regular and never saw him here before.
    “Hi, Tatum.” I said to him as he gently took my hand.
    “Hi,” he repeated still smiling.
    We stared at each other in what seemed like a long awkward silence before Peyton butted in and asked him to join us. I turned and glared at her, but she just smiled and nudged me in the leg.
    Before he could answer I said, “Here, you can have my seat, I was about to get next round.”
    Everyone started shouting orders at me as I stood up.
    “Would you like some help?” Cole asked.
    “Uh, no thank you, I’m good.”
    “How are you gonna carry all those drinks by yourself?” Peyton said. I knew she meant, ‘don’t be an idiot and let him help’. I shot her a quick ‘butt out’ look and said, “How about one of you help me since you’re all so thirsty.”
    One by one they all shouted “Not it!” I rolled my eyes at them and saw Cole try to cover a laugh with a cough.
    “Shall we,” Cole gestured turning towards the door with a smirk on his face.
    Now that I got a look up close at Cole I could see why Peyton was attracted to him. He had the most intense blue eyes, short, golden-brown messy hair, a nice physique, and a very laid back style. He was wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt. He was also very tall and had that ‘I’m cool but I don’t care’ look about him.
    As we walked through the people I could see Logan staring at us. Good, it would do him some good to get a little jealous. Not that he’d ever admit it, but I could see it in his
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