The Goddess Redemption #2 - Spellbound (a Paranormal Romance)

The Goddess Redemption #2 - Spellbound (a Paranormal Romance) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Goddess Redemption #2 - Spellbound (a Paranormal Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kelli Lockheart
from behind the quiver at his back. Ice was pulsing bright with blue light in his hand when Meg returned with a glass of water and gave it to Sara. She sipped at it and set it down on the small table beside her; her eyes never leaving the arrow.
    “Why is it doing that?” Meg asked, sounding lost.
    “I don’t know, maybe you should take it outside ,” Sara said to Victor. If it was causing the visions, she wanted it far away from her. He readily agreed. Sara turned her attention to Meg and took charge. “Gather everything you can from the storage shed and bring it here,” Sara told her sister.
    “Everything?” Meg asked , “Even the potions under the floorboards?”
    “Especially those. Be careful with them, some of them are a bit unstable ,” Sara told her and Meg left with a promise to be careful.
    When Victor came back in, he had a guilty look on his face.
    “I guess it is my fault,” he said and looked out the window. “It usually only acts strangely like that when the beasts are near, I don’t know why it’s doing it now.” Sara could hear the honesty in his voice. He was just as much a victim as she was.
    “Truthfully,” she said and paused, trying to put the words together, “I’ve been having visions lately, but none have been like that one. All the rest are flashes and odd thoughts and they come and go quickly. But this last one was different. I was there. I felt the snow falling on me. I smelled the crispness in the air. I heard the growl of the wolves. I know this sounds crazy, but it’s true.”
    “I’m not so sure that anything sounds crazy anymore ,” he said and she knew he was right. “I saw it, too, remember?” he asked as if she had forgotten.
    “I think they’re memories ,” she said and was surprised when he nodded his head. He wasn’t telling her something.
    She leveled a look at him, “You are awfully quick to agree, do you know something I don’t?”
    “This isn’t the first one I’ve had either ,” he admitted, but that was all they could discuss as Meg returned, her arms laden with jars and vials. The colors were so bright and vivid that she looked as if she carried a rainbow. She seemed so excited that she nearly dropped the items as she was setting them on the table.
    “I found some wolfsbane, Sara!” Meg told her, beaming. “It had fallen behind the drying rack. If I hadn’t been down there popping up the floorboards, I wouldn’t have seen it. But it looks like it will be enough. I’m going back for it now,” she said and nearly ran out the door.
    Sara moved to the window and looked outside. It was midafternoon . It would be close, but she thought she could get the potion done in time. Everything else was forgotten as she set about her work.
    She already had the beaker boiling when Meg brought the wolfsbane and she had a moment of genius. The only two things she knew that had any sort of effect on the shifters were wolfsbane and silver. Was silver the catalyst for the cure? It had to be. She had tried everything else. She looked at the dried wolfsbane lying on the table. It would take all of it to make it, she knew. She couldn’t risk it. A cure for the infected would do them no good if the beasts ripped them to shreds before they could use it.
    No , she told herself firmly, I’ll make the barrier potion and worry about the cure later .
    Victor had not planned on having a domestic role, but chopping wood for the fire gave him time to think. And it wasn’t as if he was about to leave without some answers. Who was this woman? And why was he having these memories? His mind was spinning, but there was something about swinging an axe for a few hours that was soothing. Swing, whoosh, thunk. It was methodical and his mind eventually eased into reason.
    The arrow was the key. Of that, he was sure. He had known it was magical from the first time he saw it. He had never questioned it. Why? Any normal man would have attempted to get rid of the thing, but
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