The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945
and eight others, because of being an accessory to murder (selection of Soviet prisoners of war; the proceedings were temporarily suspended as per decision of 9 June 1950 because of unknown whereabouts).
Oswald Gundelach
    Trial 1 Js 34/70 of the WUrzburg public prosecutor's office: see above (as with Ernst Gramowski):
    In the verdict of the US Military court in Landsberg on 3 April 1947, Oswald Gundelach was sentenced to life imprisonment, and on 14 March 1953 was released to Versbach (the basis of the conviction in unknown).
Balthasar Lutz
    The [justice] authorities in Dortmund brought proceedings 45 Js 3/61 against Lutz and eighteen others. Basis of the charge was the mass shooting of at least 7,000 Jews in the period from March to September 1942 by former members of the Commando of the Security Police Minsk, outer branch Wilejka [Vileyka]. The proceedings with respect to Lutz were suspended.
    Besides that, the [justice] authorities in Dortmund brought proceedings 45 IS 16/73 against Lutz and others for the killing of between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews in the area of Weisruthenien [Belorussia], where measures for the 'final solution of the Jewish question' were carried out in the years 1941 to 1944 by former members of the Main Outer Post Wilejka of the Commander of the Security Police and of the SD in Minsk, as well as by members of several gendarme posts and of a gendarme expedition. In regard to Lutz, the proceedings were stopped because of his death. Hans Schilling
    Trial 1 Js 55/49 of the Wiirzburg public prosecutor's office was commenced against him and others for, among other things, extorting testimony. This proceeding was suspended.

Georg Vogel
    Trial I Js 5 5/49 of the Wirzburg public prosecutor's office was commenced against him and others for, among other things, extorting testimony. In these proceedings the criminal division of the Wurzburg superior court brought charges against Georg Vogel and Franz Wittmann (KLs 46/50 of the superior court Wurzburg). In the verdict of the superior court Wurzburg of 12 May 1951 Vogel was exonerated. The verdict for Franz Wittmann was a gaol sentence of r year and 3 months.
Franz Wittmann
    Trial I Js 55/49 (KLs 46/50 of the Wurzburg superior court); see above (with Georg Vogel).
Dr Otto Hellmuth
    Trial I Js 151/48 of the Wurzburg public prosecutor's office, because of the arrest of the writer Nebuschka (proceedings suspended as per decision of 2 3 January 1950);
    Trial Js 2711/50 of the Wurzburg public prosecutor's office' because of breach of the public peace (proceedings suspended):
    Trial i Js 586/62 of the Wurzburg public prosecutor's office because of Nazi violence (proceedings suspended);
    Trial I Js 127/48 of the Wurzburg public prosecutor's office because of serious breach of the public peace (proceedings suspended).
Dr Karl Wicklmayr
    Dr Wicklmayr was sentenced to one year in gaol (Ks 11/5o superior court Wurzburg) according to the verdict of the appeal court at the superior court Wurzburg on 17 May 1952. In the verdict of the superior court Munich II of 3 July 1951 he was sentenced to 6 years in gaol for killing five prisoners in the period from March to May 1933 in the Dachau concentration camp (12 Is 1649/48 StA Munich II, 12 Ks 5/51 LG Munich II).
    Besides that, proceeding II Js loo/60 of the public prosecutor's office Landshut was brought against Dr Wicklmayr (the basis of the trial unknown), but was suspended.
    No criminal proceedings have been found against Theo Albin Memmel.
    With friendly greetings,
    (County Court Judge)


    Unpublished materials were consulted in the following archives. Only the most important file-groups are specifically mentioned.
    I. Archiv der sozialen Demokratie (Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung), Bonn
    2. Badisches Generallandesarchiv, Karlsruhe (BGLK)
    3. Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Abt. I, Allgemeines Staatsarchiv, Munich (Bay HStA)
    4. Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, AN. 2, Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Munich
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