The Fourth Deadly Sin

The Fourth Deadly Sin Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Fourth Deadly Sin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lawrence Sanders
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
    “That was smart,” Delaney said. “Women may know shit all about Department politics, but they sure know a hell of a lot about people-and that’s what the Department is.”
    “Well …” Suarez said, sighing, “Rosa made me see that it was an ego thing for me. She said that if I failed on the Ellerbee case, everyone in the city would say, “See, the spic can’t cut the mustard.” She said I should accept help anywhere I could get it. Also, there is another thing. If the Ellerbee crime is solved, Thorsen will try to get me a third star and permanent appointment as Chief of Detectives when Murphy retires. Did you know that?”
    “Yes. Thorsen told me.”
    “So there are a lot of motives involved-political, ethnic, personal. I cannot honestly tell you which is the strongest. So I gave the whole matter many hours of very heavy thought.”
    “I’ll bet you did,” Delaney said. “It’s a tough decision to make.”
    “Another factor …” Suarez said. “I have some very good men in my bureau.”
    “I trained a lot of them myself.”
    “I know that. But none have your talent and experience. I don’t say that to butter you up; it is the truth. I spoke to several detectives who worked with you on various cases.
    They all said the same thing: If you can get Delaney, get him!
    So that finally made up my mind. If you would be willing to help me on the Ellerbee homicide, I will welcome your help with deep gratitude and give you all the cooperation I possibly can.
    Delaney leaned forward to look at him. “You’re sure about this?”
    “Absolutely sure.”
    “You realize I might strike out? Believe me, it wouldn’t be the first time I failed. Far from it.”
    “I realize that.”
    “All right, let’s get down to nuts and bolts. I’ve been following the case in the papers. Reading between the lines, I’d say you haven’t got much.”
    “Much?” Suarez cried. “We have nothing!”
    “Let me tell you what I know about it. Then you tell me what I’ve got wrong.’ Speaking rapidly, Delaney summarized what he had read in newspaper accounts and heard on TV new casts. Suarez listened intently, not interrupting. When Delaney finished, the Chief said, “Yes, that is about it.
    Some of the times you mentioned are a little off, but not enough to make any big difference.”
    Delaney nodded. “Now tell me what you didn’t give to the reporters.”
    “Several things,” Suarez said. “They may or may not mean anything. First of all, the victim told his wife he was staying in Manhattan because he was expecting a patient late on Friday evening. We found his appointment book on his desk. The last patient listed was for five P.m. No one listed after five.
    The receptionist says that was not unusual. Sometimes the doctor got what they called ‘crisis screams.” A patient who is really disturbed phones and says he must see the shrink immediately. The doctor makes the appointment and neglects to tell the receptionist. She left at five o’clock anyway, right after the last patient listed in the appointment book arrived.”
    “Uh-huh,” Delaney said. “Could happen …”
    “The second thing is this. The Medical Examiner thinks the murder weapon was a ball peen hammer. You know what that is?”
    “A ball peen? Sure. It’s got a little rounded knob on one side of the head.”
    “Correct. I asked, and found that such a hammer is used to shape metallike taking a dent out of a fender. Ellerbee was struck multiple blows on the top and back of his skull with the ball peen. They found many round wounds, like punctures.”
    “Multiple blows? Someone hammering away even after he was a clunk?”
    “Yes. The ME calls the attack ‘frenzied.” Many more blows than were needed to kill him. But that is not all. After Ellerbee was dead, the killer apparently rolled him over onto his back and struck him two more times. In his eyes. One blow to each eye.”
    “That’s nice,” Delaney said. “Was the rounded
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