The Folly
or invite his sister to stay with them for a while in the country. 
    Elizabeth had often thought of Rosamunde’s advice, but found it hard to apply it to her own life.  Rosamunde had been left a wealthy widow, giving her the freedom few women had.  Even if Elizabeth dared to defy Henry, there was very little she could do buried in the country.  Her only act of rebellion had been to avoid pregnancy, but she was beginning to suspect that Henry was on to her.  He never said anything outright, but sometimes she caught him watching her ; his eyes narrowed in speculation , and she felt a shiver of fear.  Henry was not a violent man, but there was something she sensed in him that frightened her.  She supposed she would have to give him a child sooner or later.  Maybe he would leave her alone if she gave him a son.

    Chapter 4
    Elizabeth had just arrived from visiting Mrs. Bolton and her daughters , when she heard the unmistakable sound of carriage wheels on the gravel drive .  Surely, Henry was not back yet.  It was a long trip to London , and he ’ d only left a few days before.  She wasn’t expecting him back for several days at least.  Elizabeth waited in the drawing room while Graves, the butler , opened the door to the new arrival.  She heard an exclamation of surprise , followed by the sound of male voices talking quietly.  Unable to stand the curiosity much longer, Elizabeth emerged from the drawing room with all the dignity she could muster.  It wouldn’t do to look like a curious little girl. 
    The man talking to the butler turned at the sound of her footsteps.  He was tall and broad - shouldered with thick, dark hair just brushing his collar , and expressive dark eyes.  He wore a dark - blue jacket, decorated with gold braid and facing colors on the collar, his white breeches tucked into dusty Hessian boots and his Tarleton under his arm.  He bowed to Elizabeth formally before speaking.
    “Captain Jeremy Flynn at your service , Ma’am .  You must be my stepmother.”  He looked very amused by this notion and Elizabeth found that she was flustered and annoyed.  She ’ d quite forgotten about Captain Flynn .  He was Sir Henry’s son from his first marriage, but her husband never mentioned him at all and Elizabeth had never met him or even seen a likeness.  This was a surprise indeed.
    “Welcome, Captain Flynn.  Sir Henry will be very upset at not having been here to greet you.”
    “No doubt,” the c aptain said , sounding as if he doubted it very much.  “I hope I didn ’ t come at a bad time.  I was hoping to stay for a while.”  Graves looked to Elizabeth for confirmation , and she gave him a nod.
    “Graves, please put the c aptain in the blue bedroom.  It has a lovely view, but I ’ m sure you already know that.  You must have grown up in this house , Captain .”
    “I have not been back for some time.  Sadly, I wasn’t even able to attend my mother’s funeral.  I will enjoy re acquainting myself with the house and grounds.   If you have no objection, I would like to stay in my old room. ”  Elizabeth suddenly realized that Jeremy Flynn was the heir to the estate and the baronetcy.  Why was Sir Henry so eager to have a son when he already had one ?   Maybe he simply wanted more children since Jeremy appeared to be close to thirty. 
    Elizabeth actually entertained the idea that her husband might long for fatherhood for its own sake, but she quickly dismissed the thought .   Henry never displayed any fondness for children , and sh e always assumed he wanted a son and heir to carry on the title and inherit the estate.  She supposed he feared that his only son might be killed in the fighting , and wanted a spare just in case.  It made her feel a little better knowing that the pressure was off.
    “Captain, you must be tired from your journey and would like to rest.   Supper is at seven .  I would be very happy for you to join me.” 
    “Thank you,
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