The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
Western Union Telegraph Company Collection
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, California
Joseph N. Allen Diary
H. H. Bancroft Collection
H. H. Bancroft Notes on the Vanderbilt Family
Papers Concerning the Filibuster War
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
James F. Joy Papers, Henry B. Joy Historical Research Collection
Rare Books and Manuscripts Department, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts
Charles Francis Adams Papers
William Lloyd Garrison Papers
Victoria Woodhull-Martin Papers
Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, New York
James Buchanan Papers, Microfilm Copy
California Historical Society, San Francisco, California
Winchester Papers
Carl A. Kroch Library, Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Frederick Gardiner to Charles Gill, September 6, 1838
Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan
Burton Historical Collection
James F. Joy Papers
Mrs. F. A. Vanderbilt Papers
Archives and Special Collections, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
Gibbons Family Papers
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
“Memoir of Alva Murray Smith Vanderbilt Belmont,” Matilda Young Papers
Hanson A. Risley Papers
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History New-York Hstorical Society, New York, New York
Aaron Burr, “Of the Validity of the Laws Granting Livingston & Fulton the Exclusive Right of Using Fire and Steam to Propel Boats or Vessels”
John P. Hale to Charles Sumner, March 18, 1854
Horace Greeley to William P. Fessenden, October 4, 1864
Horace Greeley, E. D. Morgan et al. to William P. Fessenden, October 10, 1864
Horace Greeley to William P. Fessenden, December 1, 1864
Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware
Central Railroad Company of New Jersey Papers
Huntington Library, San Marino, California
Samuel L. M. Barlow Papers
Lauriston Hall Papers
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia
Chester A. Arthur Papers
Nathaniel P. Banks Papers
Baring Brothers Archive, Microfilm Copy
John M. Clayton Papers
Hamilton Fish Papers
Benjamin B. French Papers
Abraham Lincoln Papers
William L. Marcy Papers
Hiram Paulding Papers
Reid Family Papers
Edwin M. Stanton Papers
John Hill Wheeler Papers
Department of Literary and Historical Manuscripts, Morgan Library, New York, New York
Cyrus W. Field Collection
J. P. Morgan Letterpress Books
National Archives, College Park, Maryland
Diplomatic Instructions of the Department of State, 1801–1906: Central American States, vol. 15, May 29, 1833–July 25, 1858, Microfilm Publication M77
Costa Rican Claims Convention of July 2, 1860, Record Group 76
National Archives, Washington, District of Columbia
Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from Commanding Officers of Squadrons, 1841–1886, Microfilm Publication M89
Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for New York and New Jersey, 1862–1866, Microfilm Publication M603
U.S. Military Academy Application Papers, Microfilm Publication M688
Custom House Records, Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Record Group 41
Letter Books of U.S. Naval Officers, March 1778–July 1908, Record Group 45
Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army), Record Group 153
National Archives, New York, New York
New York Tax Assessment Lists, 1867–1873, Record Group 58
Old Records Division, New York County Clerk's Office, New York, New York
John De Forest and Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. vs. Daniel Morgan , April 5, 1817, file 1817-#337, Court of Common Pleas
Cornelius Vanderbilt and Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. vs. Phineas Carman and Cornelius P. Wyckoff , May 26, 1817, file 1817-#1201, Court of Common Pleas
Aaron Ogden v. Thomas Gibbons , December 4, 1819, file O-109, Court of Chancery
Fitz G. Halleck v. Daniel Drew , March 15, 1820, file 1820-#479, Court of Common Pleas
John R. Livingston v. Cornelius Vanderbilt , December 28, 1822, file L J-1822-V-18, Supreme
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