The Fancy

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Book: The Fancy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mercedes Keyes
young man - up!" He cal ed down
    to the anxious male wringing his hands and then
    banging once more; he caught himself, stopped and
    looked up, "Please sir! My apologies, tis urgent - it's
    me brother - I've taken off two of his fingers - he's
    bleedin' awful! I didn't mean to do it - twas an
    accident - hurry sir, please - he could die - blood is
    everywhere!" Just like that, he was alert, awake,
    refreshed, and ready to go! "Very wel - I need to
    wash, get dressed, sit there, wait for me, I haven't a
    clue of where you live, we shal take my carriage to
    hasten the journey."
    The young male nodded, rubbing his
    midsection that was tight with worry, he was wishing
    to tel him hurry, but kept it back - sitting on the
    doorstep, he rocked and waited. Closing the window
    to and turning back to the room, Quinton looked to
    the bed, it was empty. "Where has she gone to
    now?" He blasted, whipping his night shirt up and off
    of his body, standing nude – displaying to no one in
    particular a body lean, strong with whipcord muscles.
    Going straight to his clothing, he began
    dressing hurriedly, watching his door for her return.
    Due to the emergency, he had little time to locate her
    as he rushed through his home - going for the
    remedies he would use for blood loss and closing off
    wounds, tossing al into his medical grip. In a hurry
    and impatient with wondering where she'd gone to;
    he cal ed out, "Suga?! Suga?!" Stil there was no
    sight of her, "Blast you Suga Caine, where have you
    gone to?!"
    There was no answer, he could not wait, nor
    worry. He rushed out his back door, heading for his
    smal stable barn when once more, he was brought
    to a stop – straight ahead was his horse and
    carriage being led from the barn, by none other than
    - Suga.
    "Al ready masta, I do it for you - you gots to go
    - I tol' this horse, hurr'up now - masta ain't got time for
    no foolishness!" She'd hurried and was out of breath,
    her voice was sweet, feminine, sultry, low - he
    couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't believe his
    eyes. She was sweating, wrapped in the sheet with it
    knotted about her as best she could and bare foot;
    his horse, carriage, ready to go.
    "Suga, are you mad!? Back inside with you! I
    can do such things myself!" He scolded.
    "I got's t'do my bit! You don’ enuff now, gone -
    don't worry 'bout me - he waitin' - gone!" She
    ordered him in her sweet concerned way. Just like
    that, head down, she dashed off back into the house,
    so that he could climb into his carriage and be off.
    Quinton suddenly smiled once more, he was
    breaking a record, he’d smiled more since having
    Suga than he had that year. Driving to the front for
    the young man, who hurriedly leapt on board and
    they were on their way.
    Sure enough, Quinton arrived to quite a mess,
    and true, the man he was to treat had lost a great
    deal of blood – the family had also col ected his
    fingers, as if he could put them back on.
    Cleaning the wound, Quinton wondered if the
    body could heal itself back in such a way, as to reknit
    the appendages back fol owing such a severing.
    Even at his thoughts, he’d heard of no success as of
    yet for such a procedure; being honest, he explained
    that unfortunately, it was impossible. To do so, would
    endanger him further with gangrene and worse.
    The family and the young man, had little choice
    but accept his advice and he carried on with
    cleaning al areas of the two finger stumps, and then
    painstakingly sewed them closed, pul ing the skin
    over to stitch them. Two or more hours later, the
    deed was done, the fingers bandaged with him
    warning, if infection set in – to contact him
    Afterward, the mother fetched warm water for
    him to clean up; her husband asking what they could
    possibly give as payment. Giving it some thought,
    Quinton informed them, “I'm in need of cloth, cloth for
    garments, I’ve a new servant who has come to me
    with little, in fact, nothing. Have you cloth which can
    be made
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